own 40k Space Marine chapter

thinking own 40k Space Marine successor chapter...
based on Nordic culture (40k: Space Wolves / Fantasy: Norsca) and ISTP personality (40k: Iron Warriors / 40k: White Scars & Jaghatai Khan / 40k: Raven Guard & Corvus Corax / 40k: 5th Chaos God - Malice / stereotypical werewolves)..

"ISTP - ISTPs are known for their adaptability and problem-solving skills. Choose an army that allows for tactical flexibility on the battlefield. Armies like Space Marines or Astra Militarum offer a variety of units and strategies that can be adjusted mid-game to respond to changing circumstances..  Focus on creating an army list that is well-rounded and capable of handling multiple threats. Avoid overly complicated or gimmicky units that require intricate planning to use effectively. Instead, prioritize units that are straightforward but versatile. ISTPs are natural experimenters. Don’t be afraid to try out new strategies and units."

"versatility" > 40k: Ultramarines/Luna wolves

ISTP "either antihero or antivillain/neither good or evil,/gray in black and white world" "lazy," "freedom to fail"

"ISTPs have a very live and let live attitude. They believe that as long as your actions are not harming others, you should be left to your own devices. They tend to decide in the moment what appears right or wrong instead of creating a predetermined code of morals. ISTPs use facts and logic to often decide if something is acceptable behavior. They believe in being honest and not putting on a false image in front of others. They enjoy their freedom and believe in giving that to others in return."
" ISTPs are not inherently amoral. Our morals just are not the product of social programming."
"ISTPs are generally logical, kind, and tolerant. They tend to be slow to anger, but may be frustrated by drama or irrational behavior. Although not particularly sociable, ISTPs are helpful and understanding, and are always willing to lend a hand."

-> maybe ends up renegade chapter
no prejudice against abhumans, they as Space Wolves might mutate into Wulfen.

color thinking:
Green - is maybe most versatile color
green opposite - purple ("mysterious," for introvertness)
green and red can be found in northern lights
cold blue gray - space wolves

"For the Hunt and the Honor!"
Emphasizes the warrior ethos and the tactical hunt, fitting for an ISTP and Space Wolves.
"Adapt and Overcome!"
Directly ties into the ISTP’s strength in adaptability and overcoming challenges.
"Iron Will, Wolf's Wrath!"
Combines the ISTP’s determination and the fierce nature of the Space Wolves.
"By Fang and Steel!"
Highlights the hands-on, tactical nature of the chapter, reflecting both the ferocity of wolves and the practicality of ISTPs.
"Through Frost and Fire!"
Emphasizes their endurance through harsh conditions and fierce battles.

Space Marine Chapter Mechanowolf Hunters (working name)
Allegiance Imperium of Man
Founding Unknown
Successor of Space Wolves
Chapter Master Vidarr
Homeworld Freydil - ice planet
Fortress-Monastery --
Allies note: chapter is not particularly sociable
Number of Marines Unknown
Specialty versatility
Battle cry "Járn Vilji, Úlfs Reiði! (Iron Will, Wolf's Wrath!)"
"Um Ís ok Eldr! (Through Frost and Fire!)"
Colours green, red, black (for now - working colors)
Successor Chapter(s) --

Red-Black-Green color scheme from Bardock (DBZ, ISTP-character)

Space wolves' terminology
  • Allfaðir / Allfather - Emperor of Mankind
  • Mikill Úlfr / Great Wolf = Chapter Master
  • Wolf Lords/Jarls = Captain
  • Orrostuhöfðingjar / Battle Leaders = Lieutenant
  • Úlfgoðar / Wolf Priests combine the roles of Chaplain and Apothecary within the chapter.
  • Rúnagoðar / Rune Priests = Librarians of other chapters.
  • Járngoðar / Iron Priests = Techmarines of other chapters.
  • Gráir Veiðimenn / Grey Hunters = Tactical Squads
  • Einúlfr / Lone Wolf - Space Wolves do not reinforce their packs when casualties occur and for this reason many squads operate at a reduced strength. Even the most experienced packs will sometimes suffer such a great loss that only one survivor remains from the pack. These survivors are known as Lone Wolves.
  • Skjalds are the oral historians of the Space Wolves Chapter, singing of great tales and deeds of the chapter and its legendary heroes.
  • Wulfen - are Space Marines of the Space Wolves Chapter who have succumbed to the Curse of the Wulfen and transformed into savage, malformed lupine mutants. Within every Space Wolf's gene-seed is the specific genetic sequence known as the Canis Helix which invests the Space Wolves with the acute predatory senses of the Fenrisian Wolves native to their homeworld of Fenris.
unlike in Space Wolves - "sveit" - packs in Mechanowolf Hunters are reinforced when pack leader chooses the additions personally.. and unlike Space Wolves - Mechanowolf Hunters do like "advanced" technology..

Freydil - ice planet. Similar to planet Fenris.

Xeno - geimvera

ISTPs in war would likely excel due to their unique combination of traits, such as their practical problem-solving skills, adaptability, logical thinking, and ability to stay calm under pressure. Here’s how an ISTP’s characteristics would play out in various aspects of war:

Tactical Flexibility
Adaptability: ISTPs are quick to adapt to changing circumstances, making them effective in dynamic and unpredictable environments.
Problem-Solving: Their practical approach allows them to devise innovative solutions on the fly.

Reconnaissance and Special Operations: ISTPs would thrive in roles that require rapid assessment and response to new information.
Small Unit Leadership: Their ability to adapt tactics based on the immediate situation would make them effective leaders of small, agile units.

Logical and Analytical Thinking
Strategic Analysis: ISTPs can analyze complex situations and identify the most efficient course of action.
Dispassionate Decision-Making: Their logical approach helps them make decisions without being swayed by emotions.

Combat Engineering: Designing and implementing battlefield fortifications, traps, and other tactical constructions.
Logistics and Supply Management: Ensuring that troops have the necessary supplies and equipment, optimizing resource allocation.

Hands-On Skills
Technical Proficiency: ISTPs are often skilled with tools and machinery, making them effective in roles that require technical know-how.
Precision and Attention to Detail: Their meticulous nature ensures accuracy in tasks that require precision.

Mechanics and Maintenance: Maintaining and repairing vehicles, weapons, and other equipment to ensure operational readiness.
Explosives and Demolitions: Handling and deploying explosives with precision and care.

Calm Under Pressure
Composure in Crisis: ISTPs are known for their ability to remain calm and focused in high-stress situations.
Effective Crisis Management: They can quickly assess a crisis and implement effective solutions.

Frontline Combat: Their ability to stay composed and think clearly under fire makes them reliable soldiers in the heat of battle.
Crisis Response Teams: Leading or being part of teams that respond to emergencies and critical incidents.

Independent and Self-Reliant
Autonomy: ISTPs are comfortable working independently and do not require constant supervision.
Initiative: They take initiative and can be relied upon to get the job done with minimal guidance.

Sniper or Scout Roles: Operating independently in enemy territory, gathering intelligence, and taking precise actions.
Special Forces: Engaging in missions that require a high degree of independence and resourcefulness.

Examples in War Scenarios
Urban Warfare: Utilizing their adaptability and problem-solving skills to navigate and fight in complex urban environments.
Guerrilla Tactics: Employing hit-and-run tactics, sabotage, and ambushes that require quick thinking and adaptability.
Field Medicine: Applying their hands-on skills and calm demeanor to provide medical care under fire, improvising solutions as needed.

Overall, ISTPs bring a combination of practical skills, tactical flexibility, and a calm, analytical approach to warfare, making them valuable assets in a wide range of military roles and scenarios.

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 alkup. 1.2.2024