notes: 40k's ISTP

40k ISTPs according Personality Database...

Iron Warriors: summons daemons and use them as fuel for war machines..

5th & renegade Chaos God - Malice/Malal: To be "Doomed One" a follower of Malice is to be a Chaos warrior bent upon shedding the blood of other Chaos creatures.

Corvus Corax -   primarch of the Raven Guard transformed to Loyalist Daemon(?)

Jaghatai Khan - primarch of the White Scars, stereotypical ISTP biker with rage problem.
"Among the Primarchs, the Khan was the most reclusive, bound to the hunt and the glory of the chase rather than parade ground or strategium halls, and was oft overlooked by the eyes of history."

Garran Crowe -  "It is this quality that grants Crowe a unique perspective on the world, as he does not see Chaos as others do." also is using daemon sword against Chaos.

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thinking "underground"

 alkup. 1.2.2024