"fyrir Allfaðir" 40k Space wolves' terminology

"fyrir Allfaðir" / "for the emperor"

"Drepið Orkana!" - "kill the orks!"
sing. orkr, plur. orkar -> orkana - pluralized with a definite article.

Space wolves' terminology

Allfaðir / Allfather - Emperor of Mankind

Aett - The Fang

Mikill Úlfr / Great Wolf = Chapter Master

Wolf Lords/Jarls = Captain

Orrostuhöfðingjar / Battle Leaders = Lieutenant

Úlfgoðar (in the singular Úlfgoði) / Wolf Priests combine the roles of Chaplain and Apothecary within the chapter.

Rúnagoðar / Rune Priests = Librarians in other chapters.

Járngoðar / Iron Priests = Techmarines in other chapters.

Gráir Veiðimenn / Grey Hunters = Tactical Squads

Einúlfr / Lone Wolf - Space Wolves do not reinforce their packs when casualties occur and for this reason many squads operate at a reduced strength. Even the most experienced packs will sometimes suffer such a great loss that only one survivor remains from the pack. These survivors are known as Lone Wolves.

Skjalds are the oral historians of the Space Wolves Chapter, singing of great tales and deeds of the chapter and its legendary heroes.

Wulfen - are Space Marines of the Space Wolves Chapter who have succumbed to the Curse of the Wulfen and transformed into savage, malformed lupine mutants. Within every Space Wolf's gene-seed is the specific genetic sequence known as the Canis Helix which invests the Space Wolves with the acute predatory senses of the Fenrisian Wolves native to their homeworld of Fenris.

Old norse:

  • Tönn - Fang
  • Úlfbrœðr - Wolfbrothers
    in the singular  Úlfbróðir
  • Wulfens Ker - Cup of Wulfen
  • Hvalpr (Puppy) - new Aspirant
  • Himinn Hersir (Sky Warrior) - Space Marine
  • Ómaðr - Abhuman
    Maðr: Means "human" or "man."
    Ó-: A prefix meaning "un-" or "not," used to denote something that deviates from the norm.
  •  sveit (pack) - Squat

icelandic: Geimvera - Xeno

"Drepið geimverur!" - "kill the xenos!"

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