correction: "Only the firstborn child of infected parents becomes a Human-Genestealer Hybrid; any subsequent children are normal members of the parent species."
Possibly the most terrifying aspect of Genestealers is their insidious method of reproduction. Genestealers reproduce completely separate from a Hive Fleet, unlike the majority of other Tyranid creatures. Through the use of a tube-like tongue called an Ovipositor, known informally as the Genestealer's Kiss, they insert a tiny embryonic organism containing their own genetic material into a host victim. Over time this organism alters the host's genetic code, and their consciousness is also completely suppressed by a localised version of the Hive Mind, known as the Brood Mind, becoming a virtual slave. Any offspring born by the host will be horrific Genestealer Hybrids, which the host will be psychically mesmerised to care for, giving rise to the Genestealer Cults that grow in secret within human and other societies.
Oviposition of victims is quick but not instantaneous, and should the Genestealer be killed, distracted, or otherwise interrupted during the act only a partial infestation will occur. This imparts the quasi-host with some aspects of a true hybrid, potentially including an extreme will to survive, vulnerability to a Patriarch's influence, and other related conditions, while still retaining much of their free will.
The psychic control of the Genestealer's Kiss can be resisted by Space Marines, as seen with members of the Scythes of the Emperor. However even they wear psychic dampening hoods to keep out the Hive Mind's urgings.
Other sources show that Genestealers can reproduce by capturing women, fusing them to walls of organic material, then impregnating them with eggs that slowly grow before bursting from their bellies.
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