karelian-speaking film-trilogy premieres in the United States

 Pohjois­kar­ja­lainen eloku­vat­ri­logia saa ensi-​iltansa Yhdys­val­loissa ensi viikolla https://www.karjalainen.fi/paikalliset/8324562

”Haluaako ministeriö tehdä Suomesta englanninkielisen?”


Yle's Karelian news turns ten

 Ylen karjalankielizile uudizile rodih kymmene vuottu – uudizoičendu on tuonnuh kieleh äijän uuttu sanua

Karjalankielizet uudizet libo Yle Uudizet karjalakse täytettih 27. tuhukuudu kymmene vuottu. Omien uudizien luajindu on tuonnuh kieleh uuttu sanua da uskottavuttu... https://yle.fi/a/74-20146446

Yle's Karelian news turns ten – the news has brought many new words to the language

Karelian news, or Yle Uudizet karjalakse, turns ten on February 27. Its own news broadcast has brought new words and credibility to the language....


YLE New study: Finland had a clear goal in East Karelia during the war years: Greater Finland and ethnic cleansing

Uusi tutkimus: Suomella oli sotavuosina Itä-Karjalassa selvä päämäärä: Suur-Suomi ja etninen puhdistus

Suomen sodanjohto kiisti tavoittelevansa aluelaajennuksia jatkosodassa. Tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan miehitetyssä Itä-Karjalassa toteutettiin silti politiikkaa, jonka tarkoituksena oli valmistella Suur-Suomea.

Yksi asia Suomen roolista toisessa maailmansodassa on usein jäänyt varjoon:

Myös Suomi oli miehittäjävaltio.

Tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan Suomen miehityshallinnolla Itä-Karjalassa vuosina 1941–1944 oli yksi selkeä päämäärä: Suur-Suomen synnyttäminen.

.... https://yle.fi/a/74-20144197

New study: Finland had a clear goal in East Karelia during the war years: Greater Finland and ethnic cleansing

The Finnish military leadership denied that it was seeking territorial expansion in the Continuation War. According to a recent study, a policy was nevertheless implemented in occupied East Karelia that was intended to prepare for Greater Finland.

One thing about Finland's role in World War II has often been overlooked:

Finland was also an occupying power.

According to a recent study, the Finnish occupation administration in East Karelia in 1941–1944 had one clear goal: the creation of Greater Finland.



What Fantasy Species Are You? quiz

alkup. 13.7.2018

Jiätantereh toračču

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yksinkertane Movie Maker videjo

Kuotin eččii jotagi videjos

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WH40k Grim Starfarers (Wolfspear)


"kaappi-Yhdysvallat" / "cupboard-USA"


"kaappi-Yhdysvallat" / "cupboard-USA" - finnish term. "kaappi-" - "cupboard" means that someone hides in cupboard from the world and lives in their own imagination.

nordic metal playlists

M B T I • me: MBTI TIKTOKS and Animatics to watch while you procrastinate

Mistral AI:antithesis-Nordic model countries

Le Chat:

The Nordic model is known for its combination of free market capitalism and a comprehensive welfare state. Countries that are often considered antithetical to the Nordic model might prioritize different economic and social policies, such as less government intervention, lower taxes, and reduced social welfare programs. Here are a few countries that are often contrasted with the Nordic model:

  1. United States: Known for its emphasis on individualism, free markets, and a relatively smaller welfare state compared to Nordic countries.
  2. Singapore: Praised for its low tax rates, minimal welfare state, and emphasis on personal responsibility and free-market principles.
  3. Hong Kong: Historically known for its laissez-faire economic policies, though recent political changes may affect this status.
  4. Switzerland: While it has a high standard of living, it is often contrasted with Nordic countries due to its more decentralized governance and different approach to social welfare.
  5. New Zealand: Known for its market-oriented reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, which reduced the role of government in the economy.
  6. Australia: Has a mixed economy but is often seen as more market-oriented compared to Nordic countries, with a different approach to welfare.
  7. United Arab Emirates: Known for its low tax environment and business-friendly policies, with a different approach to social welfare.
  8. Chile: Often cited for its market-oriented reforms and relatively lower levels of government intervention compared to Nordic countries.
  9. Ireland: Known for its low corporate tax rates and business-friendly environment, though it also has a welfare system.
  10. United Kingdom: While it has a welfare state, it is often seen as more market-oriented and has undergone significant privatization and deregulation.

These countries are not necessarily opposed to the Nordic model but offer different approaches to governance, economics, and social policy. 


Mistral AI also listed major english-speaking countries (expect Canada was in top11) among top10 antithesis-Nordic model countries




  • Olavinlinna castle
  • Viipurinlinna castle
  • Kalmar castle
  • Läckö castle

  • Kalevalatalo



Chibi Reviews: Japan Fights Back Against Card Companies Forcing Bans & Censorship

current manga/anime censorship campaign (USA+???)

21.3. Pikku Siperia Netflixis

Dome Karukosken ohjaaman, Pohjois-​Karjalassa kuvatun elokuvan julkai­su­päivä Netflixissä selvillä

Dome Karukosken Pikku Siperia -elokuvaa kuvattiin muun muassa Nurmeksen keskustassa vuosi sitten


Anarchy/Freedom of Speech



WH40k Genestealer Cult

correction: "Only the firstborn child of infected parents becomes a Human-Genestealer Hybrid; any subsequent children are normal members of the parent species."


Possibly the most terrifying aspect of Genestealers is their insidious method of reproduction. Genestealers reproduce completely separate from a Hive Fleet, unlike the majority of other Tyranid creatures. Through the use of a tube-like tongue called an Ovipositor, known informally as the Genestealer's Kiss, they insert a tiny embryonic organism containing their own genetic material into a host victim. Over time this organism alters the host's genetic code, and their consciousness is also completely suppressed by a localised version of the Hive Mind, known as the Brood Mind, becoming a virtual slave. Any offspring born by the host will be horrific Genestealer Hybrids, which the host will be psychically mesmerised to care for, giving rise to the Genestealer Cults that grow in secret within human and other societies.

Oviposition of victims is quick but not instantaneous, and should the Genestealer be killed, distracted, or otherwise interrupted during the act only a partial infestation will occur. This imparts the quasi-host with some aspects of a true hybrid, potentially including an extreme will to survive, vulnerability to a Patriarch's influence, and other related conditions, while still retaining much of their free will.

The psychic control of the Genestealer's Kiss can be resisted by Space Marines, as seen with members of the Scythes of the Emperor. However even they wear psychic dampening hoods to keep out the Hive Mind's urgings.

Other sources show that Genestealers can reproduce by capturing women, fusing them to walls of organic material, then impregnating them with eggs that slowly grow before bursting from their bellies.


Japan x Europe

Mistral AI: ISTP and calming effect?

ISTPs, known for their practical and analytical nature, might not be the first personality type that comes to mind when thinking about a calming effect. However, their grounded and logical approach to life can indeed have a calming influence on those around them, especially in stressful or chaotic situations. Here are some ways in which ISTPs can have a calming effect:

1. Pragmatic Problem-Solving:

  • Explanation: ISTPs are excellent at breaking down complex problems into manageable parts and finding practical solutions. This ability can help alleviate stress and anxiety in others by providing clear steps forward.
  • Example: In a crisis situation, an ISTP might quickly assess the problem, identify the most pressing issues, and develop a logical plan of action, which can calm those who are feeling overwhelmed.

2. Steady and Calm Demeanor:

  • Explanation: ISTPs often maintain a calm and composed demeanor, even under pressure. Their steady presence can be reassuring to others who might be more emotionally reactive.
  • Example: During a high-stress project at work, an ISTP team member might remain calm and focused, helping to keep the team grounded and preventing panic.

3. Focus on the Present:

  • Explanation: ISTPs tend to live in the moment and focus on immediate tasks and sensory experiences. This can help others to stay present and avoid getting caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past.
  • Example: An ISTP might suggest a break to enjoy a cup of coffee or a short walk outside, helping colleagues or friends to take a moment to relax and refocus.

4. Practical Advice:

  • Explanation: ISTPs offer practical and actionable advice rather than abstract or emotional support. This can be very calming for people who are looking for concrete solutions to their problems.
  • Example: If a friend is stressed about a difficult decision, an ISTP might provide a list of pros and cons or suggest a step-by-step approach to making the decision, which can help the friend feel more in control.

5. Adaptability:

  • Explanation: ISTPs are adaptable and flexible, able to handle changes and unexpected events with ease. This adaptability can help others feel more secure and less anxious about potential disruptions.
  • Example: During a sudden change in plans, an ISTP might quickly adjust and find alternative solutions, helping others to see that the situation is manageable.

6. Hands-On Activities:

  • Explanation: Engaging in hands-on activities can be very calming for many people. ISTPs, with their practical skills, can often lead or suggest such activities.
  • Example: An ISTP might organize a DIY project or a cooking session, providing a calming and productive outlet for stress.

7. Minimal Drama:

  • Explanation: ISTPs tend to avoid drama and emotional outbursts, preferring a straightforward and logical approach to interactions. This can create a calmer and more stable environment for those around them.
  • Example: In a social setting, an ISTP might defuse tense situations by focusing on facts and practical solutions rather than getting caught up in emotional arguments.

8. Physical Presence:

  • Explanation: ISTPs are often physically present and aware of their surroundings, which can be reassuring to others. Their grounded energy can help create a sense of stability.
  • Example: During a group activity, an ISTP's focused and present demeanor can help others feel more at ease and less scattered.

9. Encouragement of Independence:

  • Explanation: ISTPs value independence and self-reliance, and they often encourage others to develop these qualities as well. This can be calming for people who feel overwhelmed by dependence on others.
  • Example: An ISTP might encourage a friend to learn a new skill or take on a challenging project, helping them build confidence and independence.

10. Sense of Humor:

  • Explanation: While not always outwardly emotional, ISTPs often have a dry and witty sense of humor that can lighten the mood and reduce tension.
  • Example: During a stressful meeting, an ISTP might make a humorous observation that helps to break the tension and bring a sense of calm to the group.

In summary, while ISTPs might not be the most emotionally expressive or nurturing personality type, their practical, logical, and steady approach to life can have a significant calming effect on those around them. Their ability to stay focused, adaptable, and solution-oriented can help create a more stable and less stressful environment.


WH40k Wolfspear - Genestealer Cultist

Freedom of Speech - doll on fire

  miksi tulessa oleva nukke näyttää isältä? - Sananvapaus!!