Olsson's Structural Diagram

 Olsson's Structural Diagram

The Swedish dramaturge Ola Olsson created his own structural diagram based on Freytag's pyramid. As a film dramaturge, Olsson's main interest was cinema, so the diagram pertains to the structure of classical films. However, it is close to the three-act model and the structure of classical drama, and it can be applied to certain theatrical performances.

1. Inciting Incident

Captures the audience's interest and introduces the core conflict.

2. Introduction

Provides the basic information: who, what, where, and when.

3. Deepening

Engages the audience, encouraging them to empathize with the protagonist or the situation.

4. Acceleration (Escalation of Conflicts)

The events begin to unfold; conflicts escalate, with moves and countermoves following each other. Includes the turning point or climax.

5. Resolution

The conflict is resolved.

6. Fading Out

Calms the audience, bringing down emotional intensity.

Example: In the Name of the Father
The film tells the story of Irish individuals falsely accused and imprisoned for the Guildford pub bombing. Using Olsson's diagram, the film can be divided into six acts:

  1. Inciting Incident

    • Two couples enter a pub, which explodes immediately.
  2. Introduction

    • The protagonist, Gerry, is a petty criminal stealing sheet metal.
  3. Deepening

    • Threatened by the IRA, Gerry flees to London but is arrested for the bombings.
  4. Acceleration

    • Acceleration 1: Gerry believes the charges will be dismissed as absurd but is sentenced to life in prison.
    • Acceleration 2: Gerry initially thinks violence is the way to fight the British but realizes it is not the solution.
    • Acceleration 3: Gerry joins his father in a letter-writing campaign, leading to the climax: a new trial.
  5. Resolution

    • Gerry is freed.
  6. Fading Out

    • Gerry vows on TV to continue fighting until his father's name is also cleared.

Sources and References:

Vacklin, Rosenvall, Nikkinen 2008, Elokuvan runousoppia s. 388



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Freedom of Speech - doll on fire

  miksi tulessa oleva nukke näyttää isältä? - Sananvapaus!!