Bob Morane Comics bibliography

First series

  1. L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird, 1960, artwork by Attanasio, Marabout)
  2. Le secret de l'Antarctique (The Secret of the Antarctic, 1962, artwork by Attanasio, Marabout)
  3. Les tours de cristal (The Towers of Crystal, 1962, artwork by Attanasio, Marabout); illustrated by Dino Attanasio. It has 60 pages. The French language edition of this book was published in black and white in serial form throughout 1961 in the magazine Femmes d'Aujourd'hui. It was republished in 1962 in a modified form, with colors, re-drawn characters and scenery and a more modern look for the future sequences, then again in the 1980s and finally in 1990 in the original 1961 magazine style. An English-language version (Bob Morane and the Towers of Crystal) was serialised between 1965 and 1966 in the long-running British comic magazine Buster.
  4. Le collier de Civa (The Necklace of Shiva, 1963, artwork by Attanasio, Marabout)
  5. Bob Morane contre la terreur verte (The Green Terror, 1963, artwork by Attanasio, Marabout)
  6. Le mystère de la Zone "Z" (The Mystery of Zone Z, 1964, artwork by Forton, Marabout)
  7. La vallée des crotales (The Valley of the Rattlesnakes, 1964, artwork by Forton, Marabout)
  8. L'épée du Paladin (The Sword of the Paladin, 1967, artwork by Forton, Dargaud)
  9. Le secret des 7 temples (The Secret of the 7 Temples, 1968, artwork by Forton, Dargaud)

Second series (artwork by Vance & Coria)

  1. Opération "Chevalier Noir" (Operation "Black Knight", 1969, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  2. Les poupées de l'Ombre Jaune (The Puppets of the Yellow Shadow, 1970, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  3. Les fils du dragon (The Sons of the Dragon, 1971, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  4. Les yeux du brouillard (The Eyes in the Fog, 1971, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  5. La prisonnière de l'Ombre Jaune (The Prisoner of the Yellow Shadow, 1972, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  6. L'archipel de la terreur (The Archipelago of Terror, 1972, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  7. La ville de nulle part (Nowhere City, 1973, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  8. L'œil du samouraï (The Eye of The Samurai, 1973, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  9. Les contrebandiers de l'atome (The Atom Smugglers, 1974, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  10. Guérilla à Tumbaga (Guerilla in Tumbaga, 1974, artwork by Vance, Dargaud)
  11. Les géants de Mu (The Giants of Mu, 1975, artwork by Vance, Lombard)
  12. Panne sèche à Serado (Out of Gas in Serrado, 1975, artwork by Vance, Lombard)
  13. Les sept croix de plomb (The Seven Lead Crosses, 1976, artwork by Vance, Lombard)
  14. Les sortilèges de l'ombre jaune (The Spells of the Yellow Shadow, 1976, artwork by Vance, Lombard)
  15. Le temple des dinosaures (The Temple of the Dinosaurs, 1977, artwork by Vance with Coria, Lombard)
  16. Les bulles de l'ombre jaune (The Bubbles of the Yellow Shadow, 1978, artwork by Vance, Lombard)
  17. L'empreinte du crapaud (The Mark of the Toad, 1979, artwork by Vance, Lombard)
  18. L'empereur de Macao (The Emperor of Macau, 1980, artwork by Vance, Lombard)
  19. Opération Wolf (1980, artwork by Coria, Dargaud)
  20. Commando épouvante (Terror Commando, 1981, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  21. Les guerriers de l'ombre jaune (The Warriors of the Yellow Shadow, 1982, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  22. Service secrets soucoupes (Secret Service Saucers, 1982, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  23. Le président ne mourra pas (The President Will Not Die, 1983, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  24. Les chasseurs de dinosaures (The Dinosaur Hunters, 1984, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  25. Une rose pour l'ombre jaune (A Rose for the Yellow Shadow, 1984, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  26. La guerre des baleines (The War of the Whales, 1985, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  27. Le réveil du Mamantu (The Mamantu Awakens, 1986, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  28. Les fourmis de l'ombre jaune (The Ants of the Yellow Shadow, 1987, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  29. Le dragon de Fenstone (The Dragon of Fenstone, 1988, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  30. Les otages de l'ombre (The Hostages of the Yellow Shadow, 1988, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  31. Snake (1989, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  32. Le tigre des lagunes (The Lagoon Tiger, 1989, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  33. Le temple des crocodiles (The Temple of the Crocodiles, 1990, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  34. Le masque de jade (The Jade Mask, 1990, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  35. Trois petits singes (Three Little Monkeys, 1991, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  36. Le jade de Séoul (The Jade From Seoul, 1992, artwork by Coria, Lombard)
  37. La cité des rêves (The City of Dreams, 1993, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  38. L'arbre de l'Eden (The Tree From Eden, 1994, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  39. Un parfum d'Ylang-Ylang (A Scent of Ylang-Ylang, 1995, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  40. Alias M.D.O. (1996, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  41. L'anneau de Salomon (Solomon's Ring, 1997, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  42. La vallée des brontosaures (The Valley of the Brontosaurus, 1997, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  43. La revanche de l'ombre jaune (The Revenge of the Yellow Shadow, 1998, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  44. Le chatiment de l'ombre jaune (The Punishment of the Yellow Shadow , 1999, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  45. Yang=Yin (2000, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  46. Le pharaon de Venise (The Pharaoh of Venice , 2001, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  47. L'oeil de l'iguanodon (Eye of the Iguanodon, 2002, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  48. Les déserts d'Amazonie (The Deserts of the Amazon, 2003, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  49. Retour au Crétacé (Back to the Cretaceous, 2003, artwork by Coria Coria & Loup, Le Lombard)
  50. La panthère des hauts plateaux (Panther of the High Sierras, 2004, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  51. Les murailles d'Ananké (The Walls of Ananke, 2004, artwork by Leclercq, Ananké)
  52. Les périls d'Ananké (2004, artwork by Leclercq, Miklo)
  53. L'exterminateur (2005, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  54. Les larmes du soleil (2005, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  55. La guerre du pacifique n'aura pas lieu (2006, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  56. La guerre du Pacifique n'aura pas lieu 2 (2007, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  57. Les berges du temps (2008, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  58. Les dents du tigre 1 (2009, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  59. Les dents du tigre 2 (2010, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  60. El Matador (2011, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
  61. Sur la piste de Fawcett (2012, artwork by Coria, Le Lombard)
Reboot "Bob Morane — Renaissance"
  1. 2015
  2. 2016

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