according Personality Database at the time of writing

ESFJ characters

ESFJ "extrovert healer" & ISTP "silent strong type" combo

ESFJ Isabelle - ISTP Doomguy

ESFJ Mamiya - ISTP Rei

ESFJ Yuzu Kurosaki - ISTP Karin Kurosaki

ESFJ Orihime Inoue - ISTP Coyote Starkk

ESFJ Historia - ISTP Ymir

ESFJ Supergirl - ISTP Red Hood

ESFJ Leorio - ISTP Ging

ESFJ Kin'emon - ISTP Zoro

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Freedom of Speech - doll on fire

  miksi tulessa oleva nukke näyttää isältä? - Sananvapaus!!