40k notes (2.7.)

Space Wolves' archnemesis - Thousand Sons
  • Thousand Sons are one of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines who are sworn solely to the service of Tzeentch, the Chaos God of change, intrigue and sorcery, 
For centuries, maybe even millennia, a dread temple devoted to the worship of Tzeentch had been hidden beneath the mountains of Fenris, deep beneath the surface of the world in the depths of one of the ancient cave cities built by the first human settlers of the world. The devolved and mutated denizens of this horrible place, the Nightgangers, had over many Terran years built an enormous temple and devoted themselves to the worship of Chaos in the aspect of the Lord of Change. That such a place could have existed for so long in the very shadow of The Fang was a truly horrific discovery for the Space Wolves.

"in tabtetop, Space Wolves have rivalry with Tyranids. they are very similar"

Norsca (Warhammer Fantasy)
-> Space Wolves under Leman Russ (Warhammer 30k)
-> Space Wolves under Logan Grimnar (Warhammer 40k)
-> Wolfspear (successor chapter)

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