Space Wolves Non-Astartes Personnel

Like all Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Wolves maintain a sizable army of mortal support staff and specialists who keep the Chapter running.

Generally referred to as "bondsmen," the Space Wolves' Chapter serfs crew the Chapter's warships, man the defences of The Fang, provide medicae staff to aid their Wolf Priests, repair crews and all the various types of labour that allow the Chapter's warriors to travel and fight the Emperor's many foes.

  • Thralls - The Thralls make up the majority of the Chapter's serfs and include the many mono-tasked servitors used by the Iron Priests.
    • who end up as thralls are:
      • Aspirants who failed at the Gate of Morkai
      • Blacksmiths who failed The Test of The Iron Gauntlet
      • Blood Claws (mostly Skyclaws who likes practical jokes) who killed senior member of Space Wolves.
  • Grooms - Grooms are a sub-set of the Chapter's Thralls. 
  • Kaerls - The Kaerls are the armed and well-trained military serfs charged with the defence of the Chapter's vessels and holdings.
  • Huskaerl - The Huskaerls are the field officers of the Kaerls.
  • Rivenmaster - The senior officers of the Kaerls, each rivenmaster commands a force of five hundred armed Kaerls.
  • Ship Master - The mortal commanders of the Space Wolves' void vessels are known as ship masters, charged with commanding the Chapter's warships in the absence of the Astartes of the Space Wolves themselves.
  • Star-speakers - The astropaths in service to the Space Wolves are known as star-speakers.
  • Navigators - Like all Imperial Warp-capable voidships, the Space Wolves' starships require Navigators to travel the tides of the Immaterium. The Space Wolves have a long-standing political alliance with the Navis Nobilite's House Belisarius to provide guides for the Chapter's voidships. Twenty-four Space Wolves are assigned to House Belisarius on Terra as guards and security officers, known as Wolfblades, in exchange for the service of an equal number of House Belisarius' most-skilled Navigators for the Chapter fleet.

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