Space Wolves Non-Astartes Personnel

Like all Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Wolves maintain a sizable army of mortal support staff and specialists who keep the Chapter running.

Generally referred to as "bondsmen," the Space Wolves' Chapter serfs crew the Chapter's warships, man the defences of The Fang, provide medicae staff to aid their Wolf Priests, repair crews and all the various types of labour that allow the Chapter's warriors to travel and fight the Emperor's many foes.

  • Thralls - The Thralls make up the majority of the Chapter's serfs and include the many mono-tasked servitors used by the Iron Priests.
    • who end up as thralls are:
      • Aspirants who failed at the Gate of Morkai
      • Blacksmiths who failed The Test of The Iron Gauntlet
      • Blood Claws (mostly Skyclaws who likes practical jokes) who killed senior member of Space Wolves.
  • Grooms - Grooms are a sub-set of the Chapter's Thralls. 
  • Kaerls - The Kaerls are the armed and well-trained military serfs charged with the defence of the Chapter's vessels and holdings.
  • Huskaerl - The Huskaerls are the field officers of the Kaerls.
  • Rivenmaster - The senior officers of the Kaerls, each rivenmaster commands a force of five hundred armed Kaerls.
  • Ship Master - The mortal commanders of the Space Wolves' void vessels are known as ship masters, charged with commanding the Chapter's warships in the absence of the Astartes of the Space Wolves themselves.
  • Star-speakers - The astropaths in service to the Space Wolves are known as star-speakers.
  • Navigators - Like all Imperial Warp-capable voidships, the Space Wolves' starships require Navigators to travel the tides of the Immaterium. The Space Wolves have a long-standing political alliance with the Navis Nobilite's House Belisarius to provide guides for the Chapter's voidships. Twenty-four Space Wolves are assigned to House Belisarius on Terra as guards and security officers, known as Wolfblades, in exchange for the service of an equal number of House Belisarius' most-skilled Navigators for the Chapter fleet.

Jarl Vidarr of Wolfspear (OC)

Jarl Rothgar  Vidarr of Wolfspear
  • 1 of 7 Wolfspear jarls
  • ISTP type leader
    • quite laidback
      • habit to hold back things like small info
        • unpredictable
      • patient until it's time to strike
      • loses interest quickly
      • doesn't hold a grudge for very long
    • frontline leader
      • there are problems with delegation

- about sporthunt: "Well, da prisoners can choose if dey wanna get hunted and maybe get their freedom, or we hand 'em over to da Jarngodhar (Iron Priests) who turn 'em into thralls (servitors)."

- sometimes they hunt feral wulfens, because Strike Cruiser don't have room to hold them.

- he have problems with Iron Priests, who sacrifices ship's people to refuel Strike Cruiser when they have limited resources and cargo hold, problems with logistics and no homeplanet to return.

introverted Wolfspear have same anti-authoritarian behaviour as their extroverted big brother - Space Wolves.

finnish text-to-speech read yooper english

"We won't tar da innocent

With da stain of "participants"

They have suffered, they have fled

Through their help, we stopped da spread

On a pathway steeped in blood

Our steadfast vigil has begun

Stand behind us while dey hunt

We're da ones dey will confront"

lines translated to yooper english from "Months of Shame - Inquisitors vs Space Wolves" song by StringStorm

Wolfspear Rune Priest


Hey dere, just a heads up

26.6. My Pixiv account has been suspended

27.6. now it’s back up, eh! (playing with AI yooper english translations)

"Hey dere, just a heads up: My account got suspended, so I hadda delete all da old stuff, ya know."

AI yooper english

 Yooper English, or the dialect spoken in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (UP), is influenced by Finnish, Scandinavian, and other immigrant languages. It has unique phonetic features, vocabulary, and expressions. Here are a few examples of Yooper English in different contexts:

Example 1: Friendly Greeting

"Hey dere, how ya doin’? Ya headin’ out to da lake dis weekend? Dey say it’s gonna be real nice, ya know. Maybe we can grab some pasties and have a picnic, eh?"

Example 2: Local Business Announcement

"Welcome to da store, folks! We got a great sale on pasties and smoked fish today. Don’tcha forget to check out our homemade jams and jellies, too. Tanks for stoppin’ by, and have a good one, eh!"

Example 3: Conversation About Weather

"Boy, dat was some storm last night, eh? Trees down all over da place. But ya know, dat’s just life in da UP. We’ll get out da chainsaws and clean it up in no time. Gotta love da spirit of da Yoopers, eh?"

Example 4: Family Gathering

"Hey dere, Auntie! It’s so good to see ya. Did ya bring yer famous blueberry pie? Da kids have been askin’ about it all day. Let’s sit down and catch up, it’s been too long, eh?"

Example 5: School Principal’s Speech

"Good mornin’, students and staff! Welcome back to another year at Ironwood High. We’re excited to kick off da school year with some great new programs. Remember to work hard, help each other out, and show dat Yooper pride in everything ya do, eh?"

Example 6: Storytelling

"So, I was out fishin’ on Lake Superior, right? And I tell ya, da biggest trout I ever saw bit my line! I fought with it for a good half-hour, but it got away, just like dat. I guess dat’s why they call it fishin’ and not catchin’, eh?"

Example 7: Political Speech

"Ladies and gentlemen, it’s an honor to be here today. We’ve got a lot to be proud of in da UP, from our hardworking communities to our beautiful landscapes. Let’s continue to work together to make sure our kids have a bright future here. Tanks for your support, and let’s keep dat Yooper spirit strong, eh!"

These examples incorporate typical Yooper English elements such as the distinctive pronunciation, the use of "eh" at the end of sentences, and words and phrases unique to the Upper Peninsula. The speech is informal, friendly, and reflective of the close-knit communities and unique cultural influences of the area.


Combining elements of Yooper English and Finnish American English results in a unique dialect that reflects the cultural and linguistic influences of both groups. Here are some examples of how this mixed dialect might sound in various contexts:

Example 1: Friendly Greeting

"Hey dere, how’s it goin’? Didja hear about da new sauna dey built at da community center? It’s supposed to be just like back in Finland, ya know. We should go check it out sometime, eh?"

Example 2: Local Business Announcement

"Welcome to da store, folks! We got fresh pulla and karjalanpiirakka today, along with some good ol’ Yooper pasties. Don’t forget to try our homemade salmon soup. Kiitos for stoppin’ by, y'all come back now, ya hear?"

Example 3: Conversation About Weather

"Boy, it’s colder than a well digger's shovel out there, huh? Reminds me of winter in da old country. Better bundle up, looks like we might get some more snow tonight. Perfect weather for a hot cup of coffee and some joulutorttu, eh?"

Example 4: Family Gathering

"Hey dere, everyone! It’s so nice to see y'all. Didja bring da piirakka, Auntie? Da kids have been talkin’ about it all week. Let’s sit down, enjoy some food, and catch up. Feels like a real family reunion, eh?"

Example 5: School Principal’s Speech

"Good mornin’, students and staff! Welcome back to another year at Ironwood High. Remember to work hard, just like our Finnish ancestors did, and support one another. Let’s make dis year as successful as possible, eh?"

Example 6: Storytelling

"So, I was out fishin’ at Falls Lake, right? And wouldn’t ya know it, I saw da biggest moose! Reminded me of da stories Grandpa used to tell about huntin’ in Finland. It was quite da sight, I tell ya."

Example 7: Political Speech

"Ladies and gentlemen, it’s an honor to be here today. Our community has a rich heritage of hard work and perseverance, values we inherited from our Finnish ancestors and Yooper spirit. Let’s continue to uphold those values as we move forward together. Kiitos for your support."

Example 8: Neighborhood Chat

"Hey dere, didja hear about da new Finnish bakery downtown? Dey’ve got everything from korvapuusti to karjalanpiirakka, along with some good Yooper treats. We should go check it out. It’s just like being back in Helsinki, eh?"

These examples incorporate the phonetic and lexical elements typical of both Yooper and Finnish American English. The language features colloquial expressions and a mix of English with Finnish words, creating a distinctive, culturally rich dialect that is friendly, informal, and reflective of both influences.

RubixRaptor: Experiencing The Horrors of The Warp | Barotrauma WARHAMMER 40K

Barotrauma 40k mod

sporthunt (WH40k Wolfspear fanfic)


my Wolfspear design notes

  • because chapter's decentralized nature and that jarldoms operate independently, jarls are mostly equals and high-jarl is mostly for the imperium's pyrocracy
    • Space Wolves Successor Chapter
      • The Space Wolves Chapter of Space Marines is one of the most idiosyncratic and anti-authoritarian in the Imperium
      • Imperial authorities, who have sometimes interpreted Space Wolves' actions as non-cooperative, defiant, or even heretical.
      • "the Curse of the Wulfen" aka. "Wolf Within" struggle (humanity vs inner beast)
        • Wolfspear's Primaris Space Marines does not go berserk as easily as Space Wolves' Firstborn
        • "unlike their often rowdy and vicious Space Wolves brothers, those of the Wolfspear demonstrated a more stoic, brooding, and cold attitude"
        • "Their brooding mien reveals a dark mindset and their grim brotherhood of dedicated hunters seldom laugh."
        • "Oathbounds drink together in firelit halls and salute their common purpose with raised horns of mead"
    • "atheistic" - "Allfather or Wolf-king are not here, you are your own - the mankind is bad, the chaos is more worse"
      • "Wolfspear embarked into the abyss beyond the light of the Emperor."
      • "Wolfspear Chapter's scattered sons now stalk the Emperor's foes in numerous sectors cut off from the Astronomican's light."
      • "Space Wolves practices sometimes contradict traditional norms and Imperial decrees. The Chapter is also fiercely independent. The Space Wolves' peculiar qualities have created problems with Imperial authorities"
        • "The Space Wolves' beliefs are generally regarded with distaste if not outright hostility by the Ecclessiarchy, and seen as backwards, barbaric and superstitious by many others."
    • controlled hair and beard style (mixed nature from Space Wolves and Ultramarin)

  • how much heavy equipment can Jarldom's strike cruiser fit / ship limitation?
    • "We're hunters, not warriors. There is difference." mentality with equipments
    • can fit 100 astartes with equipments
    • problems with logistic / resupply - like getting more fenrisian thunderwolves / cyberwolves for cavalry
      • another wolf-like species? or just bikes...

my own thing:
  • wolfspears ritually sporthunts prisoners (grim dark future's hunters' thrill of the hunt)
    • if prisoner can survive long enough, Wolfspear let prisoner live free
    • Fair Chase: The principle of fair chase emphasizes that hunting should be conducted in a manner that does not give the hunter an unfair advantage over the hunted, respecting the hunted’s ability to evade and survive.

maalaustesti / painting test

aloitin tilaamalla Space Wolves:eja mutta siirryn keräämään Wolfspear:ia (Avaruushukkien seuraajia)

I started by ordering Space Wolves but I'm moving to collecting Wolfspear (Space Wolves Successor Chapter)

pohjaväri musta ja siitä sitten vaaleampaa kohti. Tiedän että musta pohjamaali toimii kun yrittää maalata metalli-effektiä, ilman että maalin seassa olisi metallia... eri asia että osaanko itse tehdä maalata sitä.

käytin paikallisesta kaupasta saatua akryylimaalia koska en jaksanut tilata virallisia maaleja vielä. Maali liikkui jonkin verran miniatyyrin pinnalla eikä halunnut pysyä paikallaan...


base color black and then towards lighter. I know that black base color works when trying to paint  metal effect, without metal in the paint... it's a different matter whether I can paint it myself.

I used acrylic paint from a local store because I couldn't order official paints yet. The paint moved somewhat on the surface of the miniature and did not want to stay still... On

putos ja hajos / dropped and broked

en pitänyt lopputuloksesta joten poistan maalin Isopropanoli alkoholilla / I didn't like the end result, so I remove the paint with isopropanol alcohol

Doodles: Martincitopants & Ceres Fauna


genderswapped Trokhima's ISTP imitations

WH40k 7 jarldoms of Wolfspear


The Wolfspear are a Space Wolves Successor Chapter.

The Wolfspear predominantly paint their power armour in a dull gray livery, similar to the light bluish-gray of their progenitors, with the exception of their backpacks and insets of their shoulder pauldrons, which are black, as well as their faceplates, which are white. A dull, golden Imperialis or wolf-variant chest decoration is worn upon their chest plate.

Wolfspear lore


Through the bloodshed and horror that spreads from the Great Rift, the enemies of the Imperium are stalked by the fearsome Wolfspear. Their brooding mien reveals a dark mindset and their grim brotherhood of dedicated hunters seldom laugh.

One of the Ultima Founding's most unsettling Chapters of Primaris Marines, the Wolfspear are proud inheritors of the genetic legacy of the Wolf King. Founded during the early years of the Era Indomitus, the Wolfspear are blood brothers of the fabled Space Wolves and like them descendants of the Primarch Leman Russ. Cold and taciturn, they are nevertheless possessed by a powerful wyrd, a spiritual force or destiny that makes them excellent hunters. Some may even say predators...

Despite their relatively recent foundation, the grim Space Marine brotherhood known as the Wolfspear have already proved themselves to be fearsome and ruthless hunters, honouring the genetic legacy of their primarch. Wherever they stalk, the Wolfspear prey upon the enemies of Mankind with a dark hunger intensified by blood-sworn battle oaths and a fierce loyalty to kith and kin.

The Wolfspear Chapter owes its origin to Roboute Guilliman's arrival on Fenris at the head of an Indomitus Crusade fleet. Responding to the calamity of the Great Rift, the Ultramarines primarch and lord commander of the Imperium came in person to the Space Wolves, bringing with him Primaris Space Marines drawn from the Chapter's own gene-seed and the technological means to forge more of their kind.

Some, he proposed, would join the ranks of the Space Wolves themselves, while others could be used to form new Chapters, furthering the lineage of Leman Russ while adopting the new weapons and doctrines that characterised the Ultima Founding.

WH40k Wolves vs Chaos


ISTP imitation - Gallagher


Wolfspear ranks

Officer Ranks

  • High Jarl - The "high jarl" is the title granted by the Wolfspear to their Chapter Master.
    currently High Jarl is Irik Stianolf
  • Jarl - A "jarl" is the title used by the Wolfspear for the officer rank the Space Wolves call "Wolf Lord" and Codex Astartes-compliant Chapters refer to as a captain, essentially the commander of an Astartes company-sized formation, though the Wolfspear call their companies "jarldoms."
  • Battle Leader - "Battle leader" is the term used by both the Space Wolves and the Wolfspear for a Space Marine Lieutenant, the commander of a demi-company.

Specialist Ranks

  • Wolf Priest - Like the Space Wolves, the Wolfspear possess Wolf Priests who combine the roles of Chaplains and Apothecaries found in Codex Astartes-compliant Chapters.
  • Rune Priest - A Rune Priest is what the Wolfspear call a Librarian, a title they inherited for Space Marine psykers from their progenitors.
  • Iron Priest - An Iron Priest is the term that the Wolfspear use for a Techmarine, much like their Space Wolves progenitors.

Line Ranks

  • Pack Leader (Sergeant) - A "pack leader" is the term used by the Wolfspear, like the Space Wolves, for what other Chapters would name a Space Marine sergeant.
  • Battle-Brother (Initiate)

Training Ranks

  • Neophyte (doesn't really exist in Space Wolves, because the newly received gene-seed are violent and too eager so they put them in Blood Claw pack. Veterans also watch that will pups fall to the curse of the Wulfen.)
  • Aspirant

Specialist Units & Formations
  • Wolf Guard - Some Wolfspear, having achieved feats of exceptional valour and martial prowess, may become members of the Chapter's version of the Space Wolves' Wolf Guard. These mighty Astartes can lead smaller forces of Wolfspear drawn from other jarldoms (companies), serve as the Wolfspear's version of an honour guard for the most experienced warrior in a deployed Wolfspear force or serve as the pack leader for a jarldom's squads, imparting their knowledge and experience to their younger charges and serving as the equivalent of standard Space Marine sergeants.
    • Thunderwolf Cavalry - Thunderwolf Cavalry units are a sub-group of the Wolfspear's Wolf Guard. According to official Imperial records, the Thunderwolf Cavalry doesn't exist and the Space Wolves and their Successor Chapters keep them as a closely guarded secret. Thunderwolves are giant Fenrisian Wolves that stand about the height of a Terran rhinoceros and are used as mounts by the most elite members of the Wolf Guard. Thunderwolves are used in the near-mythical Thunderwolf Cavalry, and are often augmented with adamantium jaws, Imperial bionics, and back-jointed metal limbs that end in razor-sharp blades. The havoc that these creatures are capable of wreaking is said to be startling to even a hardened Veteran Wolfspear. The taming of a Thunderwolf is often used as a ritual trial for a Wolfspear Astartes who wishes to rise into the ranks of the Wolf Guard.
  • Wolf Scouts - For some Wolfspear Astartes, the close-knit and boisterous brotherhood of the pack (squad) is not well-suited to their personality, as they yearn for the open spaces and isolation of the Sea of Stars. These Space Marines are selected to become part of a jarldom's Wolf Scout force, providing reconnaissance and disrupting enemy movements. These Space Marines are often already Veterans, as opposed to the raw neophytes commonly used in other Chapters' Scout Marine squads.
Rune Priests and Hounds of Morkai

Amongst the Wolfspear and most other Ultima Founding successors of the Space Wolves, there are a select few who possess tempestuous psychic abilities. Like the Rune Priests of Fenris, these powerful Astartes battle-psykers wield their mental might to aid their brothers and call down ruinous storms upon their foes.

Wolfspear Rune Priests are particularly sinister specimens of their kind. Often wreathed in billowing shadow through which only their ice-blue eyes can be seen, they use their elemental gifts to strike terror and panic into the enemy, plunging the battlefield into eerie darkness before wreaking havoc with flensing blizzards and deadly lightning blasts.

The Wolfspear also make frequent use of the psyker-hunting packs known as "Hounds of Morkai." Marked beneath their Phobos armour with powerful runes of warding, these specialist killers are a formidable threat to enemy Warp-wielders, and their chilling presence has been known to reduce their psychic quarry to whimpering wretches even before their knives and pistols complete the kill.

Chapter Combat Doctrine

The warriors of the Wolfspear are master packhunters, every aspect of their combat doctrine focused on the coordinated tracking, pursuit and destruction of their quarry. The first scent of the foe can be picked up in many ways -- sometimes a single psychic ripple will reach a Wolfspear Rune Priest and give rise to a chase, while other trails may arise by following signs left amidst the rubble of broken cities or the wreckage of ambushed fleets. Whatever the initial trace, the Wolfspear close upon their enemy in complete stealth, observing their behaviour and movements until their weaknesses become clear.

Phobos-armoured Infiltrator packs excel in this role, prowling behind enemy lines to probe defences and quickly silence threats that would slow the main Wolfspear assault. Next, Eliminator packs begin a campaign of terror that relents only when the battle is won, sowing panic and confusion with long-ranged assassinations from the shadows.

With the enemy wrong-footed and bleeding, the full Wolfspear attack begins. Utilising speed and surprise, squadrons of Outriders and swift anti-gravitic transports strike from multiple angles, severing avenues of escape and drawing valuable targets away from the protection of their allies. Thunderwolf Cavalry and other close support packs then encircle their isolated foes and move in for the killing bite, capitalising on the fear their battle-brothers have instilled in the prey.

As much as possible, the Wolfspear translate these same tactics to the void, terrorising and outmanoeuvring larger fleets and launching precision strikes to tear the throats from the most vulnerable targets. Where such clashes can differ markedly from ground operations is the pursuit phase, however, owing to the vastness of space.

Once the Wolfspear have made contact with enemy vessels, they will gladly chase those who attempt to evade them. Whether the trail spans star systems, sectors, or even the nether-realms of the Warp, the Wolfspear regard such pursuits as a test of their stamina and patience, knowing that their targets will eventually tire or succumb to the wounds dealt to them at the battle's outset.

Bled dry and haunted by spectral pursuers they cannot shake off, many targets lose the will to flee, and yield easily when the Wolfspear boarding craft finally make impact.

Chapter Relics

Elemental Shroud - The weave of this Cameleoline Cloak emulates the movements of the elements. As a gust of wind passes, as rain falls across the battlefield, as the haze of heat shimmers the air, the bearer's form flickers in and out of perception. If the bearer remains stationary, they are clouded entirely, a ghost lost to the wilds.

Totem of Storms - This runic totem empowers the Rune Priest who bears it. As they channel their psychic energy, the totem awakens, gathering a tempest overhead. Its presence is a reservoir of psychic energy the psyker draws from, giving them mastery of psychic powers manifested in the battle.

Blacktooth - Blacktooth is a power sword kept under the watchful eye of the Chapter's Rune Priests, for it is whispered that dark spirits empower its edge. It is bestowed only to warriors who hunt alone, for the bind between blade and bearer takes a toll on the bonds of brotherhood. When the bearer is seemingly lost to the hunt, the Rune Priests reclaim Blacktooth and return it to the Chapter's vaults as the bearer is brought back into the fold.

Notable Vessels

each of the Chapter's seven jarls -- the alpha warriors largely comparable to Wolf Lords or Primaris Captains -- operates from a personal strike cruiser, accompanied by a fleet of smaller escorts and attack craft.

  1. Umbral Claw (Strike Cruiser) - The Umbral Claw is the closest the Wolfspear come to possessing a flagship or a mobile fortress-monastery, a tradition generally eschewed by the Wolfspear who prefer that their fleets remain highly maneuverable. This vessel bears High Jarl Irik Stianolf himself through the void, acting at once as an armoury, spiritual sanctum and the lordly court of his jarldom.
  2. Strike Cruiser of Jarl Halga Hyrdred
  3. Strike Cruiser
  4. Strike Cruiser
  5. Strike Cruiser
  6. Strike Cruiser
  7. Strike Cruiser
Strike cruisers are capable of carrying one full company of 100 Space Marines as well as all of their needed armoured support vehicles. 

While several of these forces will gladly work in concert to harry and bring down high value targets, each Wolfspear jarl's flotilla is fully autonomous, capable of hunting alone for standard years if need be. This has inevitably led to subtle variations of culture and fighting style between the different roaming fleets of the Wolfspear, and on the rare occasions when the Chapter convenes in full, the warriors of each jarldom gather to exchange hunting tales and scrutinise the deeds of their peers.

Nonetheless, prolonged campaigning puts logistical strains on even the most resourceful commanders, and like other roaming Adeptus Astartes Chapters the Wolfspear have established clandestine outposts in a number of key strategic star systems.

Wolfspear fleet (fanfic idea)

WH40k Wolfspear - Space Wolves Successor Chapter

SCP-4666 - Nurmes mentioned

alkup. 25.12.2023

SCP Foundation's ISTPs

alkup. 30.6.2023

SCP-682 "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile"

SCP-173 "The Sculpture - The Original"

SCP-4999 "Someone To Watch Over Us"

SCP-106 "Old Man"

SCP-527 "Mr. Fish"

SCP-076 "Able”

SCP-1504 Joe Schmo

SCP-5732 "And I'm Thinking Of What Sarah Said"

SCP-905 "Mr. Chameleon"

SCP-913 "Mr. Hungry"

SCP-303 "The Doorman"

SCP-1316 "Lucy The Kitten"

SCP-114 "Bringer of Conflict"

SCP-524 "Walter the Omnivorous Rabbit"

SCP-2085-A-1 "fakename Motoko Kusanagi"

SCP-2085-B "Space Wizard"

SCP-275 "Ironskin"

SCP-352 "Baba Yaga"

SCP-072 - The Foot of the Bed


Andressa Santos (gaycopmp4)

Agt. Troy Lament

Agt. Diogenes

David Blindman

Dr. Benjamin Kondraki

Isaac Watchthorne

Albert "Phineas" Frostman

WH40k Daemonculaba (2)


"The Daemonculaba was a hellish fusion of Daemonic power and biological science that permitted the Iron Warriors to create new Chaos Space Marines."

"The system began with the fattening of human female slaves, who were shackled in cages and force-fed nutrients, widening their bodies to grotesque proportions; these women became part of the Daemonculaba's birthing wombs. Their insides were altered and chemistry wired by the Savage Morticians (possibly members of the Dark Mechanicus), utilising the captured gene-seed. The exact science is vague, but by taking an adolescent child and sealing him within the stomach of one of the enslaved women, the process would either transform the child into an Astartes, or mutate horribly and create an abomination.  "

in the same coin


cultural (Nordic) connection and few times test ( directed me to Space Wolves 
ISTP personality and most of the time the test directed me to Iron Warrior

  • Space Wolves
    • The Space Wolves Chapter of Space Marines is one of the most idiosyncratic and anti-authoritarian in the Imperium, in terms of both tactical organisation and overall philosophy. In both these areas their practices sometimes contradict traditional norms and Imperial decrees. The Chapter is also fiercely independent. The Space Wolves' peculiar qualities have created problems with Imperial authorities, who have sometimes interpreted Space Wolves' actions as non-cooperative, defiant, or even heretical.
    • After the Months of Shame, The Inquisition came to view the Space Wolves as heretical, and Grimnar as defying the Chapter's mandate and mission, thus putting him in clear opposition to the Imperial Throne
    • Space Wolves are loyal only to Allfather/the emperor and Primarch Leman Russ not to a superior imperial official.
  • Iron Warriors
    • The Iron Warriors to be sure are known for their disdain of Chaos, but they aren't a monoculture. 
    • They don’t serve Chaos, it’s just another tool to be used. 
    • generally are distrustful of the Chaos gods
    • Like the Iron Hands they used bionics often to replace mutated limbs, as they hated all forms of mutation.
    • They looked their Primarch Perturabo with hatred
      • The iron warriors actually had the largest percentage of loyalist marines of all the traitor legions 
      • Iron warriors had the biggest numbers of loyalists of the whole heresy, the most famous being Dantioch.
    • very pragmatism and logic
    • Like many of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines, the Iron Warriors' current organisation in the 41st Millennium is completely non-standard. A grand company will often be divided into component warband detachments led by lesser Chaos Champions. There is a tendency to operate in multiples of three.
  • Chaos worship:
    • ISTP personality -> Renegade 5th Chaos God Malice
    • test result: Slaanesh of 4 Chaos Gods

Space Wolves: Wulfens


Space Wolves


Under the surface of lakes in Finland (90% of drowning deaths worldwide occurred in fresh water)

zombie + water

alkup. 11.6.2023

Fresh water drowning (90% of drowning deaths occurred in fresh water)

Unlike salt water, fresh water is practically pure water. This means that it has a very low solute concentration and therefore a very low osmolarity. As a result, fresh water is hypotonic to our blood. For this reason, when we expose the cells of our body to fresh water, the water tends to enter the cells through the membrane through the process of osmosis.

When this happens, two things can happen:

  • When water enters the cell, it becomes hypotonic to our blood plasma and therefore the cell releases excess water into the bloodstream.
  • That the cell does not remove excess water and swells before it bursts, a process known as osmotic lysis.

Both of these two processes are very dangerous when we drown in fresh water.

Consequences of excessive water absorption into the body

First, fresh water doesn't break our skin cells because we have several layers of dead cells and keratin that don't let water in freely. However, when we inhale water and it enters the lungs, it comes into direct contact with the lung cells, which are not protected by skin layers. On the contrary, they are fully optimized to facilitate the passage of gases from the air to the bloodstream.

As a result, fresh water easily enters our blood, increasing its volume and diluting it at the same time.

The same thing happens when we swallow large amounts of fresh water (that is, when we swallow it and it goes into our stomach and then into our intestines). Both pathways cause the body as a whole to absorb large amounts of water when we drown in fresh water.

Now come the secondary consequences of this excessive water absorption. Excess water dilutes the blood, reducing its osmolarity. The decrease in osmolarity causes red blood cells (already thinner due to excess water) to swell and burst (osmotic breakdown of blood cells or hemolysis). This reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen to our body tissues, even if we manage to remove all the water and restore breathing.

On the other hand, the dilution severely alters the ionic balance of the blood and this can cause ventricular fibrillation in the heart followed by cardiac arrest in just three minutes.

Osmotic breakdown of other tissues

Blood cells, such as red blood cells, are not the only ones that can suffer the effects of osmotic breakdown. Lung cells can also burst from the absorption of pure water by osmosis. This can cause severe damage to the lung tissue and further limit oxygen intake after breathing is restored.

The main consequence of these side effects of contact with fresh water is that many people who drown in fresh water and are rescued in time do not die immediately from hypoxia, but die hours later from heart failure and other complications.

hentai/ecchi ISTPs

personality database
  • Nudist Beach ni Shuugakuryokou de!!: Ayame Kotegawa
  • Nudist Beach ni Shuugakuryokou de!!: Keika Ueda
  • Nudist Beach ni Shuugakuryokou de!!: Taemi Tegawa
  • Youma Shoukan e Youkoso: Macael
  • Meikoku Gakuen: Jutai-hen: Shin Asada (male protagonist)
  • Kyonyuu Daikazoku Saimin: Haruka Hinohara
  • Honoo no Haramase Series: Machiko Kikusuigen
  • Honoo no Haramase Series: Kimika Juugoshima
  • Honoo no Haramase Series: Shion Kuroki
  • Honoo no Haramase Series: Mifuyu Komachi
  • Honoo no Haramase Series: Chitose Ikoma
  • Honoo no Haramase Series: Rinnatsu Nagai
  • Kuroinu 2 ~in'yoku ni Somaru Haitoku no Miyako: Luka
  • Rinkan Club: Chiaki Yukimi
  • Jutaijima: Akira Toume
  • A Kite: Akai
  • A Kite: Kanie
  • Euphoria - Keisuke Takatou (protagonist)
  • Corruption of Champions 2: Atugia

  • Queen's Blade - Undead Pirate Captain Lilianna
  • Ishuzoku Reviewers - Brooz
  • Ishuzoku Reviewers - Aloe
  • Ishuzoku Reviewers - Elza
  • Ishuzoku Reviewers - Lymee
  • Isekai Harem Monogatari - Oikawa Naoki (male protagonist)
  • Juuoku no Are - Yoshiwara Ichi no Oiran - Mikura (male)
  • Golden Boy - Terayama Reiko
  • Mushoku Tensei - Ghislaine Dedoldia
  • High School of the Dead - Takashi Komuro (male protagonist)
  • High School of the Dead - Rika Minami
  • Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid - Mirei Shikishima (female protagonist)
  • Sex and Dungeon - Souhei Saino (male protagonist)
  • High School DxD - Xenovia Quarta

Anime Archetypes: Harem Protagonist
Anime Archetypes: Seinen Protagonist
Anime Archetypes: Stock Shoujo Love Interest
Anime Archetypes: Bifauxnen
Anime Archetypes: Kuutsundere
Anime Archetypes: Kuugire
Anime Archetypes: Orekko
Anime Archetypes: Gandere
Anime Archetypes: Mecha (as sentient mechanical robot character)
Anime Archetypes: Ninja
Anime Archetypes: Rounin
Fictional Character Archetypes (Stock Characters): Badass Uke
Fictional Character Archetypes (Stock Characters): Heroic Seductress
Fictional Character Archetypes (Stock Characters): Pregnant Badass


finnish in anime type games

Aalto ("Wave" in finnish)

Sampo (mythical device in the Kalevala) Koski ("rapids" in finnish)

Elias Nokianvirtanen (Nokia's current  -nen surname suffix) aka. "Finn"
Joachim Nokianvirtanen aka. "Welt Yang"

Kati Räikkönen (ruckus, uproar, clamor; brawl ;strike; flashy, sparky. -nen surname suffix)

Honkai Star Rail / Genshin Impact / Wuthering Waves ISTPs

personality database
Honkai Star Rail
Gallagher - ISTP 9w8

Xueyi - ISTP 6w5

Genshin Impact
Lynette - ISTP 5w6

Cyno - ISTP 6w5

Traveler (MC) - ISTP 6w7

Rosaria - ISTP 6w5

Shenhe - ISTP 9w8

Wuthering Waves
Jiyan - ISTP 6w5

Rover (MC) - ISTP 5w6

ISTPs (Go Go Tomago & Kyoka Jiro)

ISTPs (Android 18 & Megara)

ISTP Android 18

ISTP Megara

"in Finland they enjoy the silence, in America they make it a horror films"

finnish indie


finnish & american horror : silence


 "The guests from New York left my cabin early because it was too quiet.

People used to cities and entertainment can no longer tolerate silence."


"in Finland they enjoy the silence, in America they make it a horror films"

steam engine viking ship


Járnmeistarar - iron masters
  • Járn: This is the Old Norse word for "iron."
  • Meistarar: This is the plural form of "meistari," which means "master" or "craftsman" in Old Norse.

warhammer 40k: Isle of the Iron Masters, Fenris, Space Wolves

Home to the only tribe of Fenrisian natives whose technological capacity stands comparable to the ancient Terran Iron Age, the inhabitants of the Isle of the Iron Masters are also unique among Fenrisians in that they do not sail the seas, they do not hunt or raid, for conquest is not in their nature. As laid down in the Ancient Pact of Leman Russ, the Iron Masters are the sole source of metalwork to the Fenrisian natives.

Every season vast fleets of dragonships will risk the torturous and nearly suicidal voyage to the Isle of the Iron Masters on the slopes of Fire Mountain and in sight of the great cliffs of Asaheim. Once they arrive in the Iron Masters' harbour, they are met by belching metal ships powered by steam engines and armed with crude but functional weaponry. 

Geodiode: Taiga / Tundra / ice / wetland biome

AI "elements of Boreal Forest"

"my 'default' environment"

Boreal forests, also known as taiga, are one of the largest biomes on Earth, characterized by their unique climate, vegetation, and wildlife. Here are the key elements of boreal forests:

1. Climate

  • Temperature: Boreal forests experience long, cold winters and short, mild summers. Winter temperatures can drop as low as -40°C (-40°F), while summer temperatures can rise to over 20°C (68°F).
  • Precipitation: Annual precipitation is generally low, ranging from 200 to 750 mm (8 to 30 inches), with most falling as snow during the winter months.
  • Seasonality: There is a significant seasonal variation, with a pronounced cold season and a short growing season.

2. Vegetation

  • Dominant Trees: Boreal forests are primarily composed of coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, pine, and larch. These trees are adapted to the cold climate with needle-like leaves and conical shapes that shed snow easily.
  • Understory: The understory typically includes shrubs like willows, alders, and berries (e.g., blueberries, cranberries). Mosses, lichens, and a variety of herbaceous plants are also common.
  • Adaptations: Vegetation in boreal forests has various adaptations, such as thick bark to withstand cold, evergreen leaves to maximize photosynthesis during the short growing season, and deep root systems to anchor trees in shallow, often frozen soil.

3. Soil

  • Composition: Soils in boreal forests are generally poor in nutrients due to slow decomposition rates. They are often acidic, with a thick layer of organic material, such as leaf litter and moss.
  • Permafrost: In some northern regions, the soil may be underlain by permafrost, a layer of permanently frozen ground that affects drainage and root growth.
  • Podzols: The characteristic soil type in boreal forests is podzol, known for its distinct horizons formed by leaching and accumulation of organic matter and iron.

4. Wildlife

  • Mammals: Common mammals include moose, caribou, bears (such as grizzly and black bears), wolves, lynxes, and various smaller mammals like hares, squirrels, and rodents.
  • Birds: Boreal forests are home to numerous bird species, including migratory birds like warblers, sparrows, and waterfowl, as well as resident species such as owls, woodpeckers, and grouse.
  • Insects: Insects, including mosquitoes, flies, and beetles, are abundant, especially during the summer months, and play crucial roles in the ecosystem.

5. Water Bodies

  • Lakes and Rivers: Boreal forests contain numerous lakes, rivers, and wetlands, formed by glacial activity and important for biodiversity.
  • Wetlands: Peat bogs and marshes are common, providing unique habitats and playing significant roles in carbon storage and water filtration.

6. Human Impact

  • Logging: Boreal forests are major sources of timber and pulp, leading to extensive logging activities, which can impact the ecosystem if not managed sustainably.
  • Mining and Oil Extraction: These activities can lead to habitat destruction, pollution, and changes in land use.
  • Climate Change: Boreal forests are sensitive to climate change, with rising temperatures potentially leading to shifts in species composition, increased fire frequency, and thawing of permafrost.

7. Ecological Processes

  • Fire Regime: Natural fires play a crucial role in boreal forests by clearing old vegetation, promoting new growth, and maintaining biodiversity. Fire-adapted species thrive in these conditions.
  • Succession: After disturbances like fires, boreal forests undergo ecological succession, with pioneer species colonizing the area followed by gradual establishment of mature forest communities.
  • Nutrient Cycling: The cold climate slows decomposition, affecting nutrient cycling. Microbial activity and interactions between plants and soil organisms are essential for nutrient availability.

8. Conservation

  • Protected Areas: Establishing national parks and reserves helps preserve large tracts of boreal forest and protect biodiversity.
  • Sustainable Management: Implementing sustainable forestry practices, reducing habitat fragmentation, and addressing climate change impacts are critical for the conservation of boreal forests.

Examples and Locations

  • Geographical Spread: Boreal forests cover vast areas of Canada, Russia, Scandinavia, and Alaska, forming a nearly continuous belt across the northern part of the globe.
  • Notable Areas: The Russian taiga, the Canadian boreal forest, and Scandinavia's northern forests are prime examples of this biome.

Understanding and preserving boreal forests is essential due to their role in global carbon storage, biodiversity, and their cultural significance for indigenous peoples and local communities.

thinking "underground"

 alkup. 1.2.2024