ISTP movie/TV franchises

Jurassic World

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Thing

Red vs. Blue

Drive (2011)

Young Leo

Young max

Leo Webb Jr

Layla Mueller

Grim rapper

Lida "Stony" Newsom

Cast away

The Walking Dead

Orphan Black

The Hateful Eight (2015)

Wayne (2019)

The Hundred

Tremors (Franchise)

Blade Runner (franchise)

Martín Fierro, The Movie

BBC: Space Race (Docudrama Series)

Blessed by Fire (Iluminados por el fuego)

Halloween (1978)

Indiana Jones


HBO's The Last of Us

Man vs. Wild​

One Second (2020)

The Last of the Fast Guns

Despicable Me


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