karelian music

Jouhikko player

Ievan Polkka, originally from Juuka, North Karelia  

Kalevala was based on karelians' runesongs


Nightwish is also from North Karelia

and Tuomas Holopainen 
(”Lieksa!” was even filmed in North Karelia)



in endangered karelian language


in video games


A.I. ISTP and World Goverment / Marines (One Piece)


The ISTP personality type, known as the "Virtuoso" in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), is characterized by traits like pragmatism, independence, and a hands-on approach to problem-solving. In the context of the "One Piece" world, an ISTP's approach to the World Government would likely reflect these traits.

A.I. ISTP key characteristic

ChatGPT sanoi:

ISTPs, one of the 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), are often described as independent, practical, and action-oriented individuals. Here are some key characteristics of ISTPs:

  • Pragmatic and Hands-On: ISTPs are highly practical and prefer to work with tangible things. They are often skilled at troubleshooting and finding solutions through direct interaction with their environment.
  • Independent and Self-Reliant: They value their independence and prefer to work alone or with minimal supervision. ISTPs often enjoy the freedom to explore and experiment.
  • Action-Oriented: ISTPs are doers rather than talkers. They enjoy activities that involve physical engagement, whether it's fixing things, building, or engaging in sports.
  • Calm Under Pressure: ISTPs are known for their ability to stay calm in stressful situations. They often excel in crisis situations due to their composed and logical approach to problem-solving.
  • Curious and Analytical: While ISTPs might not always appear intellectually curious in a traditional sense, they have a deep interest in understanding how things work and often enjoy deconstructing and analyzing systems.
  • Reserved but Sociable: Though generally introverted, ISTPs can be sociable and engaging in the right situations. They are often direct in their communication and prefer straightforward, honest interactions.
  • Spontaneous and Adaptable: ISTPs are flexible and prefer to keep their options open. They often thrive in environments where they can respond to immediate needs and enjoy the freedom to make spontaneous decisions.
  • Private and Reserved: ISTPs typically keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves. They might come across as enigmatic or difficult to get to know well, as they often don't readily share their inner world.

These traits combine to make ISTPs resourceful, capable, and adaptable individuals who prefer to engage with the world in a direct, hands-on way.


ISTP interact with others

ChatGPT sanoi:

ISTPs have a distinctive way of interacting with others, shaped by their independent and practical nature. Here's how they typically engage in social situations:

1. Reserved and Private

  • Selective Sharing: ISTPs tend to be private individuals, often keeping their thoughts and feelings to themselves. They share personal information only with those they trust deeply, making them seem enigmatic to others.
  • Limited Emotional Expression: They usually don't wear their emotions on their sleeves, which can sometimes make them appear detached or indifferent in social interactions.

2. Direct and Honest Communication

  • Straightforward: ISTPs value honesty and clarity in communication. They are not ones to mince words and prefer to get straight to the point, which can be refreshing to some but blunt to others.
  • Low Tolerance for Small Talk: They are often uninterested in superficial conversations, preferring discussions that are meaningful or practical. ISTPs may quickly lose interest if a conversation lacks substance.

3. Independent but Sociable

  • Enjoy Time Alone: While ISTPs are introverted and require time alone to recharge, they can also be sociable, especially in small groups or when engaged in shared activities. They enjoy being around others in a relaxed, unstructured setting.
  • Selective Social Engagement: They often choose social interactions that align with their interests, such as participating in hands-on activities or discussing topics of mutual interest. They might avoid overly structured or formal social settings.

4. Problem-Solving and Helpful

  • Hands-On Help: ISTPs are often eager to assist others in practical ways. They prefer to help by fixing things, solving problems, or providing solutions rather than offering emotional support or advice.
  • Logical Approach: In conflicts or discussions, ISTPs tend to rely on logic and practicality rather than emotions, which can be both a strength and a limitation, depending on the situation.

5. Adaptable and Flexible

  • Go With the Flow: ISTPs are typically easygoing and adaptable in social situations. They don’t mind changes in plans and are usually willing to go along with whatever comes up, provided it doesn't impinge on their personal freedom.
  • Spontaneous Engagement: They enjoy spontaneity and may engage more fully with others when activities are unplanned and dynamic, rather than rigidly scheduled.

6. Low-Key and Unassuming

  • No Need for Attention: ISTPs don’t usually seek the spotlight and are content being in the background. They prefer to observe and step in when they see a way to contribute meaningfully.
  • Calm Presence: Their calm and composed demeanor can have a stabilizing effect on others, especially in stressful situations. They are often seen as reliable and steady companions.

7. Respect for Autonomy

  • Value Independence: ISTPs respect others' independence and expect the same in return. They don’t like to be controlled or micromanaged and are careful not to impose on others.
  • Non-Judgmental: They are generally non-judgmental and accepting of different perspectives, as long as those perspectives don’t interfere with their personal freedom.

In summary, ISTPs interact with others in a way that is straightforward, practical, and often reserved. They value directness, independence, and meaningful engagement, preferring to connect through shared activities or problem-solving rather than through emotional or verbal exchanges.

A.I. ISTP & Indonesia (imago) / Singapore (imago) / China (imago) / Thailand (imago)

ChatGPT sanoi:

Comparing the ISTP personality type with Indonesian culture involves looking at the differences and potential points of alignment between ISTPs' traits—like independence, pragmatism, and a hands-on approach to problem-solving—and the cultural values and social norms in Indonesia, a country known for its collectivist society, emphasis on community, and strong traditions. Here’s how an ISTP might align or clash with Indonesian cultural values:

Alignments between ISTP Traits and Indonesian Culture

Practicality and Resourcefulness

    • ISTP Trait: ISTPs are known for their practicality and resourcefulness. They enjoy hands-on problem-solving and prefer efficient, functional solutions.
    • Indonesian Culture: Indonesia has a long history of practical ingenuity, especially in rural areas where people often make do with limited resources. The culture values practicality and the ability to adapt to challenges, which can align well with an ISTP’s strengths.
    • Alignment: An ISTP might appreciate the resourcefulness seen in Indonesian daily life, particularly in how people adapt and find practical solutions to everyday problems.

Tolerance and Flexibility

    • ISTP Trait: ISTPs are generally tolerant of others’ lifestyles and beliefs, preferring not to impose their views on others. They value flexibility and often avoid rigid structures.
    • Indonesian Culture: Indonesia is known for its cultural diversity, with hundreds of ethnic groups, languages, and religious practices. The concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ("Unity in Diversity") reflects a cultural tolerance and acceptance of different ways of life.
    • Alignment: ISTPs might find the cultural diversity and tolerance in Indonesia refreshing, as it aligns with their own preference for personal freedom and individuality.

Respect for Craftsmanship and Technical Skills

    • ISTP Trait: ISTPs often have a deep appreciation for craftsmanship, technical skills, and the hands-on creation of functional objects.
    • Indonesian Culture: Indonesia has rich traditions of craftsmanship, particularly in areas like woodworking, textiles (such as batik), and metalwork. The country values artisanship and the preservation of traditional crafts.
    • Alignment: An ISTP might feel a strong connection to Indonesian craftsmanship, appreciating the skill and precision involved in traditional crafts and the practical application of these skills.

Areas of Potential Friction between ISTP Traits and Indonesian Culture

Collectivism vs. Independence

"make [ISTP] suffer"

alkup. 18.1.2024

Roronoa Zoro



Levi Ackermann

Jason Todd - Red Hood / Arkham knight 


Arthur Morgan

more ISTP - wolves

 alkup. 28.11.2022

ISTPs are called as "lone wolves"

classical werewolf https://www.personality-database.com/profile/50922/werewolf-mythical-creatures-mbti-personality-type



https://www.personality-database.com/profile/11148/yasuo-league-of-legends-mbti-personality-type (ronin)



SKG 4/7 "reached the threshold" EU-countries

 alkup. 19.8.2024


  1. EU Made Simple: STOP Killing Games - How Europe Can Save Gaming!
  2. EU Made Simple: Stop Killing Games - Interview with Accursed Farms
  3. Accursed Farms: Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying Games!
  4. Accursed Farms: Europeans can save gaming!
  5. EuroNews: ‘Stop killing our games’: Petition calls for saving Europe’s video games from deletion
  6. https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci
  1. https://metsastajan-sydan.blogspot.com/2024/08/skg-14-minimum-number-of-signatures.html 
  2.   https://metsastajan-sydan.blogspot.com/2024/08/skg-almost-14-minimum-number-of.html

additions to the collection : Zilverpijl 22/78

Hopeanuoli (Zilverpijl) - 10-year series in Finland. it was popular enough that there was "Zilverpijl Native American camp" at the Kullasvuori camping resort.
The title character of the series is the young Native American chief Silver Arrow, a wise and resourceful chief of the Kiowa. Other main characters are his blood brother Falcon, and Silver Arrow's sister, Moonbeam.



A.I. ISTP & romance

ChatGPT sanoi:

When it comes to romance, ISTPs approach relationships in a way that reflects their core personality traits: independence, practicality, and a preference for action over words. Here's a detailed look at how ISTPs typically experience and navigate romantic relationships:

ISTP's Approach to Romance

  1. Independence and Space
    • ISTP Trait: ISTPs highly value their independence and personal space, even in romantic relationships. They are not typically clingy or overly emotional, and they appreciate partners who respect their need for time alone or with their hobbies.
    • Romantic Implication: In a relationship, an ISTP may seek a balance between closeness and autonomy. They might struggle with partners who require constant attention or who are overly dependent. ISTPs are likely to be happiest with partners who are secure in their own independence and who can enjoy both togetherness and solitude.
  2. Action-Oriented Love
    • ISTP Trait: ISTPs are doers rather than talkers. They often express their love and affection through actions rather than words, such as fixing things, solving problems, or planning adventurous activities.
    • Romantic Implication: An ISTP may not be verbally expressive or traditionally romantic (like writing love letters or planning elaborate dates), but they will show their care through practical support and shared experiences. Their partners might need to understand and appreciate these gestures as expressions of love, even if they differ from more conventional romantic expressions.
  3. Practical and Down-to-Earth
    • ISTP Trait: ISTPs are practical and grounded, preferring to deal with the here and now rather than getting caught up in abstract ideas or future possibilities.
    • Romantic Implication: ISTPs tend to approach relationships in a straightforward manner. They may not be particularly interested in long discussions about feelings or the future but are more focused on enjoying the present moment. They are usually very realistic about relationships, valuing honesty and clear communication over drama or emotional complexity.
  4. Adventurous and Spontaneous
    • ISTP Trait: ISTPs are often adventurous and spontaneous, enjoying new experiences and challenges.
    • Romantic Implication: In romance, this can translate into a desire to keep things exciting and fresh. ISTPs might plan spontaneous trips, try new activities with their partner, or enjoy taking risks together. They are likely to prefer partners who are open to trying new things and who can keep up with their dynamic lifestyle.
  5. Low-Key and Relaxed
    1. ISTP Trait: ISTPs are generally relaxed and easy-going, preferring to avoid unnecessary conflict or emotional drama.
    2. Romantic Implication: In relationships, ISTPs might avoid or withdraw from intense emotional confrontations, preferring to keep things calm and simple. They appreciate partners who are similarly low-key and who can approach issues with a calm, rational mindset. They are not likely to enjoy relationships that are overly dramatic or emotionally turbulent.

Challenges for ISTPs in Romance

  1. Communication Gaps
    • Challenge: ISTPs' preference for action over words can sometimes lead to misunderstandings with partners who value verbal affirmation and emotional expression. They may struggle to articulate their feelings, leading their partner to feel underappreciated or unloved if they don’t recognize the ISTP’s more subtle ways of expressing care.
  2. Avoidance of Emotional Depth
    • Challenge: ISTPs may sometimes avoid diving into deep emotional conversations, which can be problematic if their partner needs to discuss feelings or future plans in the relationship. This can create a disconnect if the partner feels that the ISTP is not emotionally invested or committed.
  3. Need for Independence
    • Challenge: While ISTPs need their independence, their partner may sometimes misinterpret this as disinterest or detachment. Balancing independence with the intimacy that relationships require can be a delicate act for ISTPs.

What ISTPs Need in a Partner

  • Respect for Independence: ISTPs thrive in relationships where their need for personal space and independence is respected. They appreciate partners who have their own interests and don’t require constant togetherness.
  • Practicality and Realism: ISTPs value partners who are practical, down-to-earth, and straightforward. They prefer someone who can handle problems logically and who shares their realistic outlook on life.
  • Adventure and Flexibility: ISTPs are often happiest with partners who enjoy adventure and spontaneity, who can keep up with their need for excitement, and who are willing to try new things.
  • Low-Drama and Relaxed Approach: ISTPs appreciate partners who are calm and composed, who can approach relationship challenges with rationality rather than emotional intensity.


In romance, ISTPs are practical, independent, and action-oriented. They express love through actions rather than words, value their independence, and enjoy shared adventures and experiences. While they can sometimes struggle with emotional depth and communication, they thrive in relationships where their need for space and practicality is understood and respected. A successful romantic relationship with an ISTP often involves a balance of independence, shared activities, and a relaxed, drama-free atmosphere.

bad writer

alkup. 21.4.2024

"it's been 22 years..."


ISTP character: A2

A.I. ISTP & EU (imago) / France (imago) / Italy (imago) / Germany (imago)


ChatGPT sanoi:

Comparing the ISTP personality type with the European Union (EU) as a supranational entity involves examining the relationship between the ISTP's characteristics—such as independence, pragmatism, and a preference for hands-on problem-solving—and the political, social, and economic dynamics of the EU. The EU, with its complex regulatory framework, emphasis on consensus, and broad cultural diversity, offers both alignments and potential frictions for ISTPs. Here’s a detailed look:

Alignments between ISTP Traits and the EU

  1. Diverse Opportunities for Practical Engagement
    • Alignment: The EU’s emphasis on fostering innovation, especially in technology, industry, and environmental sustainability, aligns with the ISTP's love for practical problem-solving and hands-on work. ISTPs might find satisfaction in engaging with EU programs that focus on research, technical skills, and engineering advancements. The variety of industries and fields supported by the EU provides ISTPs with ample opportunities to apply their skills in a practical, tangible way.
  2. Support for Mobility and Exploration
    • Alignment: The EU’s commitment to freedom of movement across member states is appealing to ISTPs, who value independence and the ability to explore new environments. The Schengen Area, which allows for easy travel without border checks, aligns with the ISTP's adventurous nature and desire for flexibility. This open movement offers ISTPs the opportunity to live, work, and travel across a diverse range of cultures and landscapes, satisfying their curiosity and need for new experiences.
  3. Focus on Innovation and Technological Advancement
    • Alignment: The EU places a strong emphasis on innovation, particularly through initiatives like Horizon Europe, which funds research and development projects across various sectors. ISTPs, who are often attracted to technology and engineering, might find these initiatives aligned with their interests in improving systems and developing new solutions. The EU’s focus on fostering technological progress provides ISTPs with an environment where their skills and ideas can thrive.
  4. Commitment to Environmental Sustainability
    • Alignment: ISTPs, who are often practical and solutions-oriented, might appreciate the EU's commitment to environmental sustainability and green technology. The EU’s Green Deal and other environmental initiatives offer ISTPs opportunities to engage in projects that involve real-world applications of sustainable practices, allowing them to contribute to tangible improvements in environmental protection.

Areas of Potential Friction between ISTP Traits and the EU

A.I. ISTP & Finland (imago) ("ISTP-country")


Comparing the ISTP personality type with Finnish culture reveals some interesting alignments as well as potential areas of friction. Finnish culture is known for its emphasis on individualism, pragmatism, and a strong sense of personal space, which can resonate well with the ISTP’s independent and practical nature. However, there are also aspects of Finnish society, such as its emphasis on social equality and consensus, that might challenge some ISTP tendencies. Here’s a closer look:

Alignments between ISTP Traits and Finnish Culture

Individualism and Independence

Alignment: Finnish culture highly values individualism and personal autonomy. Finns generally respect personal space and the right to privacy, which aligns well with the ISTP's preference for independence and self-reliance. The Finnish approach to life, which often involves taking care of one’s own affairs without unnecessary interference, suits the ISTP's desire to operate independently and make decisions based on their own judgment.

Pragmatism and Practicality

Alignment: Finland is known for its pragmatic approach to life and problem-solving. Finns often value straightforward, efficient solutions and practical thinking, which mirrors the ISTP’s own preference for dealing with situations in a clear, logical manner. The Finnish emphasis on functionality and utility in everything from design to everyday tasks aligns perfectly with the ISTP’s practical mindset.

Appreciation for Silence and Reflection

Alignment: Finnish culture values silence and tends to avoid unnecessary small talk, which can be refreshing for ISTPs, who often prefer meaningful conversations or working quietly on tasks without being disturbed. The Finnish appreciation for silence and introspection can provide ISTPs with the space they need to think and act without feeling pressured to engage in constant social interaction.

Connection to Nature

Alignment: Finland’s deep connection to nature, with its vast forests, lakes, and outdoor culture, can resonate with ISTPs, who often enjoy physical activities and spending time outdoors. The Finnish love for outdoor pursuits like hiking, skiing, and fishing may align well with the ISTP’s hands-on, adventurous side, offering plenty of opportunities for exploration and practical engagement with the environment.

Areas of Potential Friction between ISTP Traits and Finnish Culture

Social Equality and Consensus-Building

Friction: Finnish society places a strong emphasis on social equality and consensus. Decisions are often made collectively, with a focus on ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard and that outcomes are fair and balanced. ISTPs, who prefer to make decisions independently and may be less interested in consensus-building, might find the emphasis on collective decision-making to be slow or frustrating. They might prefer to take direct action rather than wait for group agreement.

Reserved Social Norms

Friction: While Finns are reserved and value personal space, which aligns with ISTPs' preferences, the societal expectation to maintain a certain level of formality and distance in social interactions might occasionally clash with the ISTP's straightforward and sometimes blunt communication style. ISTPs, who prefer to get straight to the point, might sometimes find Finnish social norms overly restrained or cautious.

Resistance to Change

Friction: While Finland is progressive in many ways, Finnish culture can also be traditional, especially in rural areas, and may exhibit a cautious approach to change. ISTPs, who are often innovators and enjoy finding new, practical solutions, might sometimes find this cultural caution frustrating. They may prefer environments where they can implement changes quickly and efficiently, rather than having to navigate a more conservative or slow-moving cultural landscape.

Emphasis on Education and Credentials

Friction: Finnish society places a high value on education, and there is a strong emphasis on academic credentials and formal qualifications. ISTPs, who are often more interested in practical experience and hands-on learning, might feel constrained by a system that prioritizes formal education over practical skills. They might prefer to demonstrate their competence through direct action rather than through formal academic achievements.


ISTPs might find Finnish culture quite compatible in many respects, especially in its emphasis on independence, pragmatism, and personal space. The Finnish respect for silence, nature, and practical solutions can align well with the ISTP’s preferences. However, there may be challenges in areas such as consensus-building, social formality, and the emphasis on education, where Finnish cultural norms might feel restrictive or at odds with the ISTP’s direct, action-oriented nature. Overall, Finland could be a good cultural fit for an ISTP, provided they find ways to navigate or adapt to the aspects that might feel less aligned with their personality.

A.I. ISTP & capitalism / U.S.A. (imago) / Japan (imago)


ISTPs may find many aspects of capitalism appealing, given their practical, independent, and action-oriented nature. However, there are also aspects of capitalism that could present challenges for the ISTP personality type. Here's a look at how ISTPs might interact with capitalism:

Aspects of Capitalism that Appeal to ISTPs

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Why it appeals: Capitalism encourages entrepreneurship, innovation, and individual initiative. ISTPs, who are independent and often enjoy working with their hands or solving practical problems, might be drawn to the freedom to start their own businesses, create new products, or pursue ventures that align with their interests and skills.


Why it appeals: Capitalism often rewards individuals based on their skills, work ethic, and ability to deliver results. ISTPs, who prefer to be judged on their tangible accomplishments rather than on abstract criteria, might appreciate a system where competence and effectiveness are key drivers of success.

Freedom and Independence

Why it appeals: Capitalism generally allows for greater personal freedom, whether in choosing one's career, making investments, or deciding how to live one's life. ISTPs value autonomy and may thrive in environments where they can make their own decisions and pursue their own goals without excessive interference.

Practical Problem-Solving

Why it appeals: Capitalism, with its focus on efficiency, innovation, and competition, aligns well with the ISTP’s strength in practical problem-solving. ISTPs often enjoy finding ways to improve systems, products, or processes, which are key elements in a capitalist economy.

Challenges for ISTPs in a Capitalist System

Long-Term Planning

Why it's challenging: ISTPs tend to focus on the present and are often more comfortable with immediate, hands-on tasks than with long-term strategic planning. The capitalist emphasis on growth, investment, and long-term financial planning might require skills or perspectives that ISTPs find less natural or interesting.

Office Politics and Networking

Why it's challenging: While capitalism rewards individual effort, success in many capitalist environments also requires navigating office politics, building networks, and engaging in social interactions that ISTPs might find tedious or draining. They prefer direct, straightforward interactions and may struggle with environments that require a lot of diplomacy or social maneuvering.

Consumer Culture

Why it's challenging: Capitalism often promotes consumerism, with a focus on acquiring material goods and status symbols. ISTPs, who are generally pragmatic and uninterested in superficial displays of wealth or status, might feel disconnected from the more materialistic aspects of capitalist culture.

Job Stability vs. Flexibility

Why it's challenging: The capitalist emphasis on competition can lead to job instability, as businesses constantly seek to cut costs or innovate. While ISTPs value flexibility and might adapt well to change, they might also dislike the uncertainty that can come with a highly competitive market, especially if it leads to frequent disruptions in their work or personal lives.

Bureaucratic Structures

Why it's challenging: In large capitalist enterprises, bureaucracy can be prevalent. ISTPs, who prefer efficiency and hands-on work, might find the bureaucratic aspects of large corporations frustrating, especially if they feel bogged down by red tape or inefficiencies.


Overall, ISTPs might resonate with the entrepreneurial spirit, meritocratic principles, and emphasis on independence within capitalism. However, they might also find challenges in areas like long-term planning, navigating social dynamics, dealing with consumer culture, and coping with bureaucratic or unstable work environments. For ISTPs, the key to thriving in a capitalist system would likely involve finding roles or opportunities that allow them to leverage their practical skills, independence, and problem-solving abilities while minimizing engagement with the aspects they find less appealing.



Comparing the ISTP personality type to the cultural and societal characteristics of the USA can highlight areas of alignment as well as potential friction. The USA, with its diverse cultural landscape, values independence, entrepreneurship, and innovation, which might appeal to ISTPs. However, other aspects of American culture, such as its consumerism, social dynamics, and political environment, might be more challenging for an ISTP. Here’s a breakdown:

Alignments between ISTP Traits and American Culture

Independence and Self-Reliance

Alignment: The USA has a strong cultural emphasis on independence, self-reliance, and the idea of the "self-made" individual. This aligns well with the ISTP's preference for autonomy and their desire to take control of their own lives and decisions. The American Dream, with its focus on achieving success through personal effort, resonates with the ISTP's drive to accomplish tangible results through their skills and hard work.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Alignment: The USA is known for its entrepreneurial spirit and emphasis on innovation, both of which align well with the ISTP’s practical, problem-solving nature. ISTPs are often drawn to hands-on work and enjoy creating and building, making them potentially well-suited for entrepreneurial ventures or careers in fields like engineering, technology, or mechanics.

Freedom of Expression

Alignment: The USA's commitment to individual rights and freedom of expression fits with the ISTP’s preference for personal freedom and their tendency to be direct and honest in their communication. ISTPs appreciate environments where they can speak their mind and act according to their own judgment without excessive restrictions.

Areas of Potential Friction between ISTP Traits and American Culture

Consumerism and Materialism

Friction: American culture is often characterized by consumerism and a focus on acquiring material wealth and status symbols. ISTPs, who tend to be pragmatic and less concerned with appearances, might feel out of step with the pressure to conform to these societal norms. They are more interested in functionality and may find the emphasis on consumerism superficial or wasteful.

Social Expectations and Networking

Friction: The USA places a strong emphasis on social networking, charisma, and often extroverted behaviors, especially in professional and social settings. ISTPs, who are typically reserved and prefer direct, no-nonsense interactions, might struggle with the emphasis on socializing, networking, and the need to navigate complex social dynamics in both personal and professional contexts.

Political Polarization

Friction: The highly polarized political environment in the USA might be off-putting to ISTPs, who tend to be pragmatic, focused on facts, and uninterested in ideological debates. ISTPs prefer to solve problems based on practical considerations rather than getting caught up in emotionally charged or partisan arguments, and they might find the extreme polarization in American politics frustrating or unproductive.

Bureaucracy and Institutional Complexity

Friction: The complexity of American institutions, with their layers of bureaucracy and regulation, can be frustrating for ISTPs, who prefer efficiency and straightforward problem-solving. Whether dealing with government agencies, corporate structures, or even healthcare systems, ISTPs might find the red tape and slow processes challenging and may prefer to operate in environments where they can bypass unnecessary complexity.

Work-Life Balance

Friction: The American work culture often emphasizes long hours and career ambition, which can sometimes clash with the ISTP’s desire for flexibility and a balanced, hands-on lifestyle. While ISTPs are hardworking, they also value their personal time and might resist a work culture that demands constant hustle at the expense of personal pursuits or hobbies.


ISTPs might find many aspects of American culture appealing, particularly its emphasis on independence, innovation, and personal freedom. However, they might also encounter challenges with the more socially and politically complex aspects of life in the USA, such as consumerism, social networking, and bureaucracy. For ISTPs, thriving in the USA might involve finding niches where they can leverage their practical skills, enjoy autonomy, and avoid the elements of American culture that feel overly superficial or restrictive.



Comparing the ISTP personality type to Japanese culture highlights both areas of alignment and potential friction. Japanese culture is known for its emphasis on collectivism, tradition, social harmony, and respect for hierarchy, which can sometimes conflict with the ISTP’s independent, pragmatic, and action-oriented nature. Here's how ISTPs might interact with Japanese culture:

Alignments between ISTP Traits and Japanese Culture

Craftsmanship and Attention to Detail

Alignment: Japanese culture highly values craftsmanship and the pursuit of perfection in one’s work, whether in traditional arts like woodworking and pottery or in modern fields like technology and manufacturing. ISTPs, who are often skilled with their hands and enjoy mastering tools and techniques, might find great satisfaction in this cultural appreciation for high-quality, meticulous work. The emphasis on technical skills and precision aligns well with the ISTP's practical and detail-oriented nature.

Discipline and Self-Reliance

Alignment: Japanese culture often emphasizes discipline, self-reliance, and personal responsibility. ISTPs, who value independence and taking charge of their own actions, might resonate with the cultural expectation to be self-sufficient and responsible for one’s own duties. The disciplined approach to work and life in Japan can align with the ISTP's methodical and focused way of handling tasks.

Efficiency and Practical Solutions

Alignment: Japan is known for its efficiency and practical approach to problem-solving, whether in business, technology, or everyday life. ISTPs, who prefer to deal with things directly and practically, might appreciate Japan’s focus on functionality and effective solutions. The cultural emphasis on streamlining processes and improving systems could appeal to the ISTP's pragmatic mindset.

Areas of Potential Friction between ISTP Traits and Japanese Culture

Collectivism vs. Individualism

Friction: Japanese culture is deeply collectivist, prioritizing group harmony, social cohesion, and the needs of the community over individual desires. ISTPs, who are individualistic and value personal freedom, might struggle with the pressure to conform and prioritize group goals over their own. The expectation to suppress personal opinions or desires for the sake of the group could be challenging for ISTPs, who prefer to act independently and make decisions based on their own judgment.

Respect for Hierarchy and Tradition

Friction: Japanese culture places a strong emphasis on respect for authority, seniority, and adherence to tradition. ISTPs, who are often skeptical of rigid structures and prefer to challenge norms when they see inefficiencies, might find the strict hierarchy and traditionalism in Japanese society frustrating. They might resist following rules or traditions that they see as outdated or impractical.

Social Expectations and Formality

Friction: Japan’s social interactions are often governed by formality, politeness, and indirect communication, which can be at odds with the ISTP's preference for straightforward, direct communication. ISTPs may find the complex social etiquette, the emphasis on maintaining face, and the need to navigate subtle social cues to be overly complicated or restrictive. They might also struggle with the expectation to engage in formal social rituals that they see as unnecessary.

Work Culture and Long Hours

Friction: The demanding work culture in Japan, characterized by long hours, high expectations, and a strong commitment to the company, might be challenging for ISTPs, who value flexibility and a balanced lifestyle. While ISTPs are hardworking, they also prefer to have time for their personal interests and may resist a work environment that demands constant dedication at the expense of personal freedom.

Avoidance of Conflict

Friction: Japanese culture tends to avoid direct confrontation and values maintaining harmony, even if it means not addressing issues openly. ISTPs, who prefer to deal with problems head-on and value honesty, might find this indirect approach to conflict resolution frustrating. They may prefer to resolve issues quickly and efficiently rather than letting them linger due to a reluctance to disrupt harmony.


ISTPs might find certain aspects of Japanese culture appealing, particularly the focus on craftsmanship, efficiency, and discipline. However, they may also experience significant challenges due to the collectivist nature of Japanese society, the emphasis on hierarchy and tradition, and the complex social expectations. For an ISTP, thriving in Japan might require finding ways to balance their desire for independence and practicality with the cultural expectations of conformity, respect for authority, and social harmony.

A.I. philosophies/cultural philosophies that goes against ISTP-type

ChatGPT sanoi:

Certain philosophies or ways of thinking might clash with the typical characteristics of an ISTP personality type. Here are some philosophies or ideologies that could be challenging or counterintuitive for an ISTP to embrace:

**1. Idealism

Why it clashes: ISTPs are practical, grounded in reality, and focused on what is tangible and actionable. Idealism, which often involves striving for abstract, utopian goals that may not be immediately attainable, could feel unrealistic or frustrating to an ISTP. They prefer concrete results and might find it difficult to engage with ideas that seem overly theoretical or disconnected from practical application.

**2. Collectivism

Why it clashes: ISTPs value independence, personal autonomy, and self-reliance. Collectivism, which emphasizes the importance of group goals and social cohesion over individualism, might feel restrictive to an ISTP. They might struggle with the idea of subordinating personal desires and freedoms to the needs of the group, preferring to chart their own course.

**3. Dogmatism

Why it clashes: ISTPs are flexible thinkers who prefer to rely on direct experience and empirical evidence. Dogmatism, which involves rigid adherence to a set of beliefs or doctrines without consideration for evidence or practicality, would likely frustrate an ISTP. They value adaptability and open-mindedness, and would likely chafe against any philosophy that discourages questioning or independent thought.

**4. Existentialism

Why it clashes: Existentialism, with its focus on the inherent meaninglessness of life and the necessity of creating one’s own meaning, could be challenging for ISTPs who prefer to focus on the tangible and the here-and-now. While ISTPs are not necessarily opposed to deep thinking, they might find the abstract, often anxiety-inducing nature of existentialism to be less relevant or overly complex compared to their preferred, more straightforward approach to life.

**5. Pacifism

Why it clashes: ISTPs are often action-oriented and willing to engage in conflict if necessary, especially if they perceive it as a practical solution to a problem. Pacifism, which advocates for non-violence and the avoidance of conflict at all costs, might seem impractical to an ISTP who believes that sometimes, direct action is the most effective way to resolve a situation.

**6. Altruism (Extreme Forms)

Why it clashes: While ISTPs are not inherently selfish, extreme forms of altruism, which involve self-sacrifice for the benefit of others without consideration for one’s own needs, might be difficult for ISTPs to embrace. They prioritize personal autonomy and might see extreme altruism as unsustainable or even counterproductive if it undermines one’s ability to be effective or self-sufficient.

**7. Stoicism

Why it clashes: While ISTPs do value self-control and can be quite stoic in stressful situations, the philosophical ideal of Stoicism—which emphasizes enduring pain or hardship without complaint—might conflict with the ISTP's more dynamic, problem-solving approach. ISTPs prefer to take action to change unfavorable circumstances rather than passively endure them, which could be at odds with the Stoic emphasis on accepting things as they are.

**8. Rationalism

Why it clashes: Rationalism places heavy emphasis on reason as the primary source of knowledge, often downplaying the role of sensory experience and empirical evidence. Since ISTPs rely heavily on their senses and practical experience to understand the world, they might find rationalism too abstract or detached from reality. They value concrete evidence and might struggle with purely theoretical or intellectual approaches that don’t have immediate practical applications.

In summary, philosophies that are overly idealistic, collectivist, dogmatic, abstract, pacifist, extremely altruistic, overly stoic, or excessively rationalistic might be challenging for an ISTP to fully embrace. These approaches can conflict with the ISTP’s practical, independent, and action-oriented nature.



Cultural philosophies that emphasize collectivism, tradition, or abstract ideals can often conflict with the ISTP personality type, which values independence, practicality, and direct experience. Here are some cultural philosophies that might go against the ISTP type:

**1. Confucianism

Why it clashes: Confucianism places a strong emphasis on social harmony, respect for authority, and adherence to tradition and hierarchy. It values maintaining societal roles and fulfilling duties within the family and community. For an ISTP, who values independence, personal freedom, and practical problem-solving, the rigid structure and emphasis on tradition in Confucianism might feel restrictive and counter to their desire for autonomy.

**2. Collectivist Cultures

Why it clashes: Many Eastern cultures, such as those in Japan, China, and South Korea, emphasize collectivism, where the needs of the group are prioritized over individual desires. These cultures often stress conformity, social harmony, and communal responsibility. ISTPs, who are individualistic and prefer to work independently, might struggle in such environments where personal freedom is secondary to group cohesion.

**3. Hinduism’s Karma and Dharma Concepts

Why it clashes: Hinduism’s concepts of karma (the idea that actions in this life affect one's future lives) and dharma (duty based on one’s role in society) emphasize living according to established norms and fulfilling societal expectations. ISTPs, who often prefer to forge their own paths and make decisions based on immediate, practical considerations rather than abstract or spiritual beliefs, might find these concepts limiting or irrelevant to their pragmatic worldview.

**4. Buddhism’s Detachment from Material World

Why it clashes: Buddhism teaches the importance of detaching from material desires and focusing on spiritual enlightenment. While ISTPs are not inherently materialistic, they do value tangible, real-world experiences and might find the Buddhist emphasis on renunciation and detachment from the physical world at odds with their preference for engaging with and mastering their environment.

**5. Traditionalism in Many Cultures

Why it clashes: Many cultures around the world emphasize the importance of tradition, whether in social roles, religious practices, or community rituals. ISTPs, who are often skeptical of tradition for tradition’s sake and prefer to focus on what works practically and efficiently, might find themselves at odds with cultural expectations that prioritize maintaining the status quo.

**6. Social Conformity in Scandinavian Countries

Why it clashes: Scandinavian cultures, such as those in Sweden and Norway, often emphasize social conformity, equality, and consensus-building. While these values are generally positive, the pressure to conform and avoid standing out can be challenging for ISTPs, who value independence and might resist conforming to group norms or societal expectations, preferring to approach problems in their own unique way.

**7. Communism (as practiced in some cultures)

Why it clashes: In its practical applications, particularly in the 20th century, communism has often involved strict state control, suppression of individual freedoms, and an emphasis on collective ownership and equality. ISTPs, who value personal freedom, self-reliance, and individual merit, might find the collectivist and often authoritarian nature of communist regimes to be stifling and in conflict with their independent, pragmatic mindset.

**8. Religious Fundamentalism

Why it clashes: Religious fundamentalism, which can be found in various cultures, often involves strict adherence to religious doctrines and resistance to questioning or interpreting beliefs in new ways. ISTPs, who tend to be skeptical, practical, and interested in exploring and experimenting, might struggle with the rigid, unquestioning nature of fundamentalist belief systems.

In summary, cultural philosophies that emphasize collectivism, strict adherence to tradition, social conformity, spiritual detachment, or rigid ideological frameworks can be at odds with the ISTP personality type. ISTPs thrive in environments that allow for independence, practical problem-solving, and flexibility, and they might find these cultural philosophies restrictive or incompatible with their natural tendencies.

A.I. ISTP character as leader/king

ChatGPT sanoi:

An ISTP as a leader would bring a unique blend of pragmatism, independence, and tactical thinking to the role. Here’s a breakdown of how an ISTP might lead:

Leadership Style

  • Practical and Efficient: An ISTP leader is highly pragmatic, focusing on what works and what is most efficient. They avoid unnecessary bureaucracy and prefer straightforward solutions. They would streamline processes, cut through red tape, and focus on results rather than appearances.
  • Hands-On Approach: Rather than delegating everything, an ISTP leader likes to get involved in the action, especially when it comes to problem-solving or technical tasks. They lead by example, often rolling up their sleeves and working alongside their team when needed.
  • Adaptive and Flexible: ISTPs are quick thinkers who can adapt to changing circumstances. They don’t get flustered by unexpected challenges and are good at coming up with creative, on-the-spot solutions.
  • Calm Under Pressure: Known for their cool-headedness, ISTPs don’t panic in crisis situations. They analyze the situation logically and make decisions based on facts, often excelling in high-pressure environments.

Interactions with Team Members

  • Independent and Trusting: An ISTP leader values independence, both for themselves and their team. They provide clear instructions but then trust their team to get the job done without constant supervision. They prefer to give their team space to operate rather than micromanaging.
  • Direct and Honest: Communication from an ISTP leader is typically straightforward and to the point. They don’t sugarcoat things but are fair and honest. Team members know where they stand and appreciate the clear expectations set by the ISTP leader.
  • Reserved Yet Approachable: While not overly expressive or emotionally driven, an ISTP leader is approachable and open to feedback. They may not engage in small talk or display a lot of emotion, but they’re good listeners and take their team’s input seriously.

Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

  • Analytical and Logical: ISTPs approach problems with a logical mindset, breaking them down into manageable parts. They enjoy troubleshooting and are often the ones who figure out how to fix things when others are stuck.
  • Risk-Taker: While they are careful and calculated, ISTPs are also willing to take risks if they see a clear benefit. They’re not afraid to try new methods or explore unconventional solutions, especially if they believe it will improve efficiency or effectiveness.
  • Tactical Planning: In strategic roles, ISTPs excel at creating plans that are both flexible and effective. They’re good at anticipating problems and coming up with contingency plans.


  • May Struggle with Long-Term Vision: ISTPs are more focused on the present and solving immediate problems, which might sometimes make it challenging for them to focus on long-term strategic planning. They might need to collaborate with others who have strengths in vision and foresight.
  • Reluctance to Engage in Office Politics: An ISTP leader might find it difficult to engage in the social and political aspects of leadership. They prefer to let their work speak for itself and may avoid situations that require extensive diplomacy or emotional involvement.

Overall Impact

  • An ISTP leader would likely create an environment that is practical, efficient, and focused on results. They would be respected for their competence, directness, and ability to remain calm in difficult situations. While they might not be the most charismatic or emotionally expressive leader, their teams would value their reliability, independence, and the clear sense of direction they provide.


ChatGPT sanoi:

An ISTP as a king would likely exhibit a distinctive leadership style, characterized by practicality, independence, and a hands-on approach to ruling. Here’s how an ISTP king might govern:

Leadership Style

  • Pragmatic Decision-Making: This king would focus on practical, efficient solutions to problems. He wouldn’t be one to waste time on unnecessary rituals or traditions unless they served a clear purpose.
  • Hands-On Leadership: Rather than ruling from a distance, this ISTP king would be deeply involved in the day-to-day aspects of his kingdom. He might personally inspect the troops, oversee the construction of new projects, or even participate in solving technical problems.
  • Calm Under Pressure: In times of crisis, this king would remain cool-headed, analyzing the situation logically and making decisions based on facts rather than emotions.
  • Independence: He would value self-reliance and might encourage his subjects to be independent as well. He wouldn’t micromanage but would instead give clear directives and trust his people to carry them out.

Relations with Subjects

  • Fair but Firm: This king would be just in his dealings, ensuring that laws are applied equally to all. However, he wouldn’t hesitate to take swift action against those who threaten the peace or prosperity of the kingdom.
  • Reserved: While he may not be the most outgoing or emotionally expressive ruler, his subjects would respect him for his reliability and competence. He might not engage in grand speeches, but his actions would speak louder than words.

Warfare and Strategy

  • Tactical Genius: As an ISTP, this king would excel in strategy and tactics, especially in military matters. He would be adept at using the resources at his disposal in innovative ways to outmaneuver his enemies.
  • Prefers Action: Rather than sitting through long meetings or endless debates, he would prefer to take decisive action. If diplomacy fails, he wouldn’t shy away from engaging in combat himself, leading his armies with precision.

Personal Life and Interests

  • Private and Reserved: He would likely keep his personal life private, perhaps enjoying solitary activities such as hunting, crafting, or working on mechanical projects.
  • Innovative: This king might have a keen interest in new technologies or methods, always looking for ways to improve his kingdom’s infrastructure or military capabilities.

In summary, an ISTP king would be a practical, action-oriented ruler who leads by example and values independence and efficiency. He might not be the most charismatic or emotionally expressive leader, but his kingdom would likely be well-organized, resilient, and capable of adapting to challenges.

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 alkup. 1.2.2024